AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 58

VEE as Bioweapon
FDR authorized development of VEE as a 
biological warfare agent with offensive and 
defensive objectives 
Incapacitating agent
Led to development of attenuated TC‐83 vaccine 
strain and inactivated C 84 vaccine strain
Aerosol, solid, liquid forms possible 
R. Nixon cancelled biological weapons program
Other countries were/are suspected of VEE as BT
VEEV – Existing PCR assays 
Purpose: Detect VEEV RNA in 
clinical samples from horses
Brain is preferred sample
Horse is an amplifying host
Target:  E2 membrane glycoprotein
Associated with virus attachment to cells
Antibody to E2 neutralizes VEEV
Subtype differentiation by primer 
selection and sequencing of amplicon
Nested PCR method 
Enhances sensitivity
Cross contamination risks
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