AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 61

Fitness for Purpose (proposal)
Id tifi ti
f VEEV i
t l
en ca on o 
 n env ronmen a 
The method must be able to identify VEEV RNA 
resulting from aerosol, solid or liquid samples.  
Ideally, the method should include only epizootic 
VEEV (Subtypes 1AB, 1C) and should exclude all 
other VEEV.  The limit of detection must be lower 
than one infectious human dose of VEE. 
Fitness for Purpose (proposal)
Id tifi ti
f VEEV i
t l
en ca on o 
 n env ronmen a 
The useable matrices for the PCR test (aerosol 
collections, environmental swabs, air filters, etc.) 
are defined with respect to their complexity, 
presence of organic material and inorganic 
material, and the expected duration of detectable  
alphavirus RNA by PCR.
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