AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 59

General Analytical Needs
Infectious dose for humans 10‐100 
Diagnostic testing via PCR
To date, no real time PCR for VEE 
Need to include Subtypes IAB and IC
Ideal to exclude other Subtypes and 
serotypes (ID, IE, IF, II, III, IV, V)
Need to distinguish EEE, WEE, VEE
VEEV is an Overlap Select Agent
USDA/HHS Regulations 
Includes VEEV Subtypes IAB and IC only 
Any subtypes of Venezuelan equine encephalitis 
virus except for Subtypes IAB or IC are excluded
from Select Agent status provided that the
individual or entity can verify that the agent is 
within the exclusion category.
TC‐83 vaccine strain and vaccine candidate strain 
V3526 are excluded from Select Agent Regulations
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