Table 2 Location of nodes at diagnosis and at nodal failure in 1077 patients; multiple nodal sites per patient are possible;
crude rates are given
n = 1077 pat.
All = 1077
All = 1077
N- = 516 pat.
N+ = 516 pat.
pat. N+ at diagnosis = 516 (48%)
NF = 86 (8%) pat.
NF = 25* (5%) pat.
NF = 60* (12%) pat.
512 (48%) (99%)
50 (5%) (58%)
14 (3%) (56%)
35 (7%) (58%)
Comon iliac
146 (14%) (28%)
22 (2%) (26%)
4 (0.8%) (16%)
17 (3%) (28%)
Int/Ext ilac
477 (44%) (92%)
40 (4%) (47%)
10 (2%) (40%)
29 (6%) (48%)
55 (5%) (11%)
3 (0.3%) (3%)
2 (0.4%) (8%)
1 (2%) (2%)
66 (6%) (13%)
61 (6%) (71%)
16 (3.2%) (64%)
44 (9%) (73%)
18 (2%) (3%)
12 (1.2%) (14%)
3 (0.6%) (12%)
9 (2%) (15%)
N- = no nodes at diagnosis, N+ = nodes at diagnosis, NF = patients with nodal failure
* For one patient with nodal failure no information on nodal status at diagnosis was available
Pattern of nodal spread and recurrence
EMBRACE cohort, n=1077
Nomden et al. under submission