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(GEF) Blue Forest’s project. The goal of the initiative

is to advance Blue Carbon methodologies, including

the valuation of ecosystem services for coastal eco-

systems, and includes a number of demonstration

projects, policy education activities, and an extensive

programme of public outreach.

Ecosystem-Based Management/

Spatial Planning

The project aims to: enhance accessibility of spatial

planning knowledge, practice, and experience among

developing states; strengthen integration of spatial

planning reporting methodologies into relevant policy

processes at country and regional levels as reflected

in action plans; improve awareness of emerging and/or

urgent issues; and, increase application of state of the

marine environment reporting based on spatial planning

best practice approaches.

• During 2012, GRID-Arendal prepared the State of the

Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Environment Re-

port. The objective of the report is to synthesize the

most advanced knowledge on major environmental

issues for the further development of the Ecosystem

Approach in the Mediterranean.

• GRID-Arendal initiated collaboration with Geo-

sciences Australia and Conservation International

to produce a global seafloor geomorphology map

to support the analysis and display of data submit-

ted by states party to the UN Regular Process and

to provide the foundation for the development of a

management tool for seabed in areas beyond na-

tional jurisdiction. Delivery of the geomorphic habitat

component is expected in early 2013 with continued

development to include physical and biological data

to be pursued thereafter.

• A global seafloor geomorphic habitat map was pro-

duced in partnership with Conservation International

and the Government of Australia. Interest from high

seas management stakeholders has already been

good and the expectation is for continued enhance-

ment of the product in 2013.

• GRID-Arendal is a partner in the joint Spain-UNEP

project ‘Broad-scale marine spatial planning of mam-

mal corridors and protected areas in Wider Caribbean

and Southeast and Northeast Pacific. The objectives

of the project are to support regional policies and pro-

tocols on transboundary marine mammal manage-

ment and governance, and to strengthen institutional

frameworks. During 2012, GRID-Arendal provided

technical support and guidance for the identification,

collation and visualization of essential habitats and

regional-scale migration routes for marine mammals.

Green Economy

The focus of GRID-Arendal’s work was on strengthen-

ing awareness among cross-sectoral and cross-soci-

etal stakeholders about experience-driven, holistic mo-

dalities for assessing marine issues and value, applying

new thinking to national development planning; and

and on increasing multi-sectoral application by decision

makers of collaborative, ecosystem-based policies that

promote sustainable economic development.

• The report Green Economy in a Blue World, which looks

at six different economic areas in the marine sector –

fisheries and aquaculture, marine transport, ocean nutri-

ent pollution, marine-based renewable energy, coastal

tourism, and deep-sea minerals – was produced in

2012. The report provides recommendations on how to

boost their potential by implementing green measures.

Specific cases of profitable and environmentally sus-

tainable ocean industries are illustrated (see annex 2).

• The report Green Economy in a Blue World – SIDS,

which examines five development sectors for SIDS –

small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, water, tourism,

energy and solid waste – was also produced n 2012.

• To promote dialogue and to share knowledge and