First of new generation of high-resolution digital manometer
Keller, manufacturer of measuring technol-
ogy such as isolated pressure transducers
and transmitters – represented in southern
Africa by
– has introduced the
first of a new generation of high-resolution
digital manometers.The LEO 5 features pre-
cise sensor technology, fast, high-resolu-
tion signal processing, peak recording and
data storage with a time stamp. Designed
for deployment in hostile environments,
the LEO 5 features a robust stainless steel
housing, safety glass front, a 16 mm backlit
display and capacitive touch controls.
Undetected pressure ‘spikes’ are one
of the common causes of premature wear
and untimely failures in pneumatic and
hydraulic systems. In freshwater systems,
this phenomenon is sometimes called
‘water hammer’. The LEO 5, with its pres-
sure peak analysis mode, will sample and
record system pressure at a rate of 5 kHz
and with 16 bit resolution, enabling the
troubleshooter to positively characterize
system behavior.With storage capacity for
over 50 000 peak values, including tempera-
ture and time stamp, data from the LEO 5
is exportable for detailed analysis via the
included USB interface.
Highly accurate pressure measure-
In the standard measurement mode, the
LEO 5 operates at a sampling rate of 2 kHz
and with an A-to-D resolution of 20 bits.
The LEO 5 line-up includes seven stand-
ard full-scale pressure ranges between 3
and 1 000 bar. In the temperature range
of 0…50 °C, the TEB (Total Error Band) for
pressure is ± 0,5 % FS. When temperature
conditions are stable, the LEO 5 is capable
of achieving a TEB accuracy of ± 0,01 % FS.
Enquiries:Tel. 010 595 1831 or
Binary and analogue volumetric flow sensors for liquids
ifm electronic
’s robust SBY332 mechatronic flow sensor operates
to the principle of spring supported piston. The piston, located in
the valve seat in the housing, is lifted by
the flowing medium against the spring
With volumetric flow quantities ranging
from 15 l/min, 25 l/min, 50 l/min, 100 l/min
to 200 l/min, the sensor has a fast response
10 ms. The switch points can be
preset continuously for easy handling.
The sensor is available with a variable R
or G process connection and is suitable for
pressure ranges up to 25 bar in medium
temperatures up to180 °C.
For binary signal output the piston position is detected by an in-
ductive sensor. Analogue sensors however detect the position by
means of a magnetic-field sensor.
The spring resistance forces the piston to
return to its original position with decreasing
flow.This ensures position-independent instal-
lation of the flow sensor preventing backflow.
The switch points can be easily set and fixed
via a setting screw.
The units are maintenance-free and the ro-
bust mechanical design ensures use in harsh
Enquiries:Tel. 012 450 0370 or email email info.
za@ifm.comNew thermowell design prevents vibration
For applications in processes with high flow rates,
is now
offering thermowells in the new ScrutonWell design. This variant
is damping the excitation that leads to vibrations, which in turn
can cause failures.
The ScrutonWell design is applicable to all solid-machined,
barstock thermowells fromWIKA. The helical form of the stem is
available in two versions: manufactured in a single piece or with
helices welded onto it.
Installation and removal are just as easy as with a standard ther-
mowell. ScrutonWell thermowells are recommended when a ther-
mowell fails the strength calculation, according to ASME PTC 19.3
TW-2010, and where other optimisations (shorter or stronger stem
or support collar) are not desirable. In comparison with the conven-
tional stem form, the new design reduces the excitations causing
vibration by more than 90 %.
Tel. 011 621 0000 or email
June ‘15