Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
Blue Carbon - The Role of Healthy Oceans in Binding Carbon
(a Rapid Response Assessment report released 14
October 2009 at the Diversitas Conference, Cape Town Conference Centre, South
Africa. Also launched at a side event during COP 15 of the UNFCCC in
Copenhagen in December 2009)
DEWA A4: Environmental assessment reports on biodiversity,
ecosystems (i.e. land, forest, freshwater, coastal and marine)
and cross-cutting thematic issues related to environment and
human-well-being of global significance for decision makers to
increase their collective understanding of environmental
challenges and emerging issues.
Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
Blue Carbon Fund: The Ocean Equivalent of REDD for Carbon Sequestration in
Coastal States
(released during COP 15 of the UNFCCC in Copenhagen in December 2009)
DEWA A6: Outreach and communication materials on findings
of environmental assessments for decision makers to raise
and strengthen their awareness of environmental issues.
Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
Case for Climate Neutrality: Case Studies of Moving Towards a Low Carbon
(released during COP 15 of the
UNFCCC in Copenhagen in December 2009)
DEWA A6: Outreach and communication materials on findings
of environmental assessments for decision makers to raise
and strengthen their awareness of environmental issues.
Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
Environment and Security Issues in the Southern Mediterranean Region
(launched in November 2009 at
the International Environment House 2 in Châtelaine, Geneva)
DEWA C3: Technical assistance responding to requests from
Governments to enhance their institutional and technical
capacity on issues of high international priority, such as
disaster risk reduction, biodiversity data management and
analysis, continental shelf mapping.
Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
The Natural Fix? The Role of Ecosystems in Climate Mitigation
a Rapid Response Assessment report released by UNEP
to mark World Environment Day 2009)
DEWA A4: Environmental assessment reports on biodiversity,
ecosystems (i.e. land, forest, freshwater, coastal and marine)
and cross-cutting thematic issues related to environment and
human-well-being of global significance for decision makers to
increase their collective understanding of environmental
challenges and emerging issues.
Writing, cartographic and layout, support and services provided to the publication
Integrated Ecosystem Management Approach to Conserve Biodiversity at the Arctic Council Ministerial
meeting in 2009)
DEWA A6: Outreach and communication materials on findings
of environmental assessments for decision makers to raise
and strengthen their awareness of environmental issues.
Cartographic support and services provided to the publication
Our Planet
, UNEP’s
magazine for environmentally sustainable development (cartographic support only)
DEWA A6: Outreach and communication materials on
environmental data and information, applications, and
networks for decision makers to raise and strengthen their
awareness of environmental data and information applications
and networks.
B2 Outreach