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Dead Rising 4

is out on

December 6

a serious zombie game, I equate that to a

steak dinner. It’s like a nice steak dinner.

You make an appointment to have this

dinner, you make that time commitment

to sit down and play this serious survival

zombie game, that’s a steak dinner. We

are a greasy cheeseburger. You bite into

that cheeseburger and it goes all over

your shirt and it’s super satisfying, dirty

and messy and it’s amazing. A couple of

days later you go, yeah man, I want to do

that again, and that’s what Dead Rising

is. We’re this kind of guilty pleasure that

you just love to keep going back to, again

and again. I think that’s because we know

exactly who we are, and what we are,

we don’t try to pretend to be something

else. That’s actually what keeps us fresh.

Because when people make a purchase

of Dead Rising, they know exactly what

they’re going to get. It’s our job though to

update the product to keep it fresh.

Are there any especially ridiculous

weapons that we should be keeping an

eye out for?

We have dozens and dozens of

weapons in the game. I think my favourite

is the “Gandelf” - to be clear it’s not

Gandalf, it’s Gandelf. It’s a very long

oak staff that may or may not resemble

something in a movie. It’s basically a big

magic staff, and you wield it by swinging

it around and poking and charging and

shooting these little lightning bolts out the

end, and that’s fun enough, but when you

charge this up, you do this, ‘You shall not

pass!’ and you slam it into the ground.

From the staff, an army of garden gnomes

comes out, and they run out against the

zombies and explode, and that is exactly

what we’re about.

So dumb weapons are your go-to?

That weapon is so stupid. And that’s

kind of a rule of thumb. When we think

about what we’re going to make – people

ask me, how do you make a combo

weapon? We sit around, and we think

what would be a really fun thing to do to

zombies. We would like them to blow

up. How would you blow them up? How

about garden gnomes? Yeah, I like that.

Finally, have you ever consideredVR?

So, Capcom makes Resident Evil.

There’s a Resident Evil VR coming out.

It’s one of those things that we look at

for something like Dead Rising and think

‘what’s the best way to use something

like this?’ While we don’t have any plans

at the moment to do anything right now,

rest assured we have done all the VR

stuff back at the office, and we’re always

messing around with other ways that we

might be able to approach it. I think the

interesting thing about Dead Rising is that

if we do a VR version of Dead Rising, it’s

got be weird. You just can’t do the same

thing as everyone else.

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