a list of authorities, relevant to the topic selected, which the student proposes to examine.
: By the end of the fourth week of the semester.
The student must submit to the supervising faculty member an outline of the paper,
showing the organization of the issues relevant to the topic, including what the student
will discuss and how that discussion will be organized; how the authorities are to be
integrated into a discussion of the issues; and the basic structure of the student’s analysis
and conclusions. (A detailed outline should essentially be a “skeleton” for the first draft
of the paper, so that, for example, a mere list of authorities would not be adequate to meet
this standard. At the same time, students whose research and analysis lead them into new
directions should feel that they can improve on their outline for their first draft.)
: By the end of the eighth week of the semester.
First Draft
The student must submit to the supervising faculty member a first draft of the paper’s
discussion and analysis of the topic with appropriate citations and footnotes.
: By the end of the tenth week of the semester.
Final Paper
The student must submit to the supervising faculty member the final version of the paper
for evaluation by the supervising faculty member. Because meeting deadlines is an
important professional obligation, and supervising faculty need the opportunity to submit
student grades in a timely manner,
no paper submitted after the last day of the
grading period for that semester will be deemed to satisfy the Legal Writing
. An exception may be made where late delivery occurs with approval of
the supervising faculty member, after he or she considers the student’s written statement
of the extenuating circumstances and supporting documentation, which the student must
submit with the paper for any requested late delivery to be considered. Late papers
without such approval may receive an incomplete or unsatisfactory grade or other late
sanctions of the faculty member as well as be deemed not to be in compliance with the
standards to satisfy the Legal Writing Requirement.
: No later than the last day of the grading period.