Every little choice
he brand-new UPM trademark,
Responsible Fibre™, provides
a tangible example of Biofore
thinking. Biofore is a philosophy sys-
tematically built up by UPM combin-
ing the innovative and sustainable use
of wood fibres with alternative solu-
tions to using non-renewable materials.
So what does this mean in practice?
Responsible fibres are the main raw
material used for just about every re-
newable, recyclable and biodegrada-
ble product produced by UPM. These
are important qualities, but the Respon-
sible Fibre trademark promises even
more than that.
The new trademark innovatively
combines UPM’s environmental re-
sponsibility and social responsibility
into one cohesive philosophy, which
is followed throughout the product li-
“Responsible Fibre is truly unique.
We wanted to introduce a trademark
UPM’s new Responsible Fibre™ trademark is
reserved for paper products that fulfil the very
strictest criteria for corporate responsibility.
Niko Kilkki
Terhi Jokinen
that shows that we are committed to en-
suring that all our paper products carry-
ing the trademark comply with the in-
dustry’s most demanding responsibil-
ity criteria,” explains
Päivi Rissanen
Environmental Director of UPM Paper
The first UPM paper products carry-
ing the trademark are New Future of-
fice papers. The next products will fol-
low in the course of the coming months.
Verified by external parties
But can consumers trust a responsibili-
ty trademark developed by the compa-
ny itself? “Responsible Fibre was cre-
ated almost entirely on the basis of our
existing certifications and standards,
which are verified by third parties.
Even our internal responsibility data,
such as UPM’s carbon footprint calcu-
lations, has also been verified by exter-
nal parties,” Rissanen emphasizes.
To be eligible for the trademark,
the wood raw material for the product
must be sourced from an FSC
- or
PEFC™-certified forest to guarantee
sustainable forest management prac-
tices. The paper must also meet the re-
quirements of the EU Ecolabel, and the
production process must comply with
all the applicable occupational and
product safety requirements. UPM is
additionally committed to operating in
a responsible and ethical manner in all
communities and societies in which it
is active.
Open dialogue
The lifecycle of the fibres often contin-
ues after the paper is printed. UPM is
one of the world’s top users of recycled
paper: approximately 80% of the fibres
used in its newsprint are recycled. “Pa-
per recycling is an excellent example of
well-functioning circular economy; fi-
bre continues its life in another prod-
uct,” Rissanen muses.
makes a
Responsible Fibre™
A UPM trademark created on the basis of official certifications
and standards
The criteria cover the following four focus areas: climate, water,
biodiversity and social responsibility
Guarantees that the wood fibres used in UPM products come
from sustainably managed forests
Further information is available at
www.responsiblefibre.upm.comInterested in hearing more about this topic?
Please contact UPM sales
or Päivi Rissanen
Paper products carrying the Responsible Fibre™
fulfil the following criteria:
Responsible sourcing
Sustainable forest management and land use
Low emissions from pulp and paper production
Transparent performance
No use of harmful substances
Certified environmental management systems
Safe and encouraging working environment
Social responsibility
Recognized sustainability leader
Social responsibility, in particular, is
becoming an increasingly topical and
debated issue. Customers have their
own risk management schemes and
want to ensure that the paper produc-
tion chain is ethical throughout. They
also expect guarantees that UPM en-
sures the safety of its employees.
“We are committed to openly dis-
cussing these issues with our custom-
ers and other stakeholders, and we have
already received great feedback on our
openness around these issues,” says
“I hope that our customers will feel
that they play a role in this story, but
also that they can gain commercial ad-
vantage by using our paper. We will
follow closely how well Responsible
Fibre is received on the market, and
based on the response we will consid-
er widening the range of papers carry-
ing the trademark.”