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The motion was seconded by Mr. Louis E. O'Dea

and carried unanimously.

The following motion was then proposed by Mr.

James R. Quirke:—That Bye-law 13 be amended

by the addition to the first sentence thereof of the

following words " or on such other dates in the

months of May and November as

the Society

in General Meeting or the Council may from time

to time appoint." The motion was seconded by

Mr. William J. Norman and carried unanimously.

It was decided that the next Annual General



be held on Thursday,


November, 1949.

Mr. Michael L. O'Connell, Listowel, stated that

the Kerry Bar Association have had under consider

ation the advisability of asking the Department

of Justice to introduce legislation increasing the

jurisdiction of the District Court to £50 in contract,

and £25 in tort. Mr. Niall S. Gaffhey and Mr. Louis

E. O'Dea also addressed the meeting. The President

stated that it would be advisable to circularise

the Bar Associations on the matter, and that it

would be put on the Agenda for the Council for

consideration at an early date.

Mr. Mayne then rose and proposed a hearty vote

of thanks to the President for his work on behalf

of the Society during the past year. The motion

was carried with acclamation.

The President

briefly replied, and the meeting terminated.


OCTOBER z8th. The President in the chair :


present: Mr. James R. Quirke, Vice-President,

Messrs. G. A. Overend, James J. Lynch, Thomas

A. O'Reilly, C. E. Callan, F. J. Gearty, Roger

Greene, John J. Bolger, Joseph P. Tyrrell, W. S.

Hayes, Daniel O'Connell, William L. Duggan,

Joseph Barrett, P. R. Boyd, W. S. Huggard, H. St.

J. Blake, Dermot P. Shaw, William J. Norman,

L. E. O'Dea.

The following was among the business


acted :

Application under Section 18

AN application from an intending apprentice to the

Chief Justice seeking exemption from the Pre

liminary examination was considered.

It was

decided not to oppose the application.

Lectures for Solicitors' Apprentices

IT was decided that the President should deliver

the first of four lectures to be given by members

of the Council on the Rights, Duties and Re

sponsibilities of solicitors ; Mr. G. A. Overend to

give a lecture to the apprentices on the subject

of Company Accounts;




was authorised to obtain the services of lecturers

to deliver one lecture each on Criminal practice

and procedure and Income Tax practice.

Solicitors' remuneration

ON a

report from a Committee it was decided


issue a circular to every practising solicitor


a view to obtaining particulars of their

gross earnings



expenses and other

relevant information to be considered, and used

if necessary, in connection with any application

which may be deemed advisable for a further

increase in solicitors' remuneration as

the result

of further increases in solicitors' overhead expenses

and personal cost of living.

Delays in the Adjudication Office and the

Land Registry

ON a report from a Committee it was decided that

the delays


the above-mentioned departments

should be taken up with the heads of the depart

ments and with the Minister for Finance with

a view to securing the provision of adequate staffs

to enable the work of the departments to be carried

on without recurring delays.

Poor Prisoners' Defence

THE Council considered a report on the subject

of the inadequate amounts provided by the Depart

ment of Finance for solicitors' costs on the assign

ment of solicitor and counsel to defend a poor

person on the charge of murder. It was ordered

that a memorandum be submitted to the Minister

for Finance and

the Attorney-General on


subject, and


the President and Mr. Barrett

be appointed as a deputation to approach them

with reference to the matter.

NOVEMBER nth. The President in the chair :


present: Mr. James R. Quirke, Vice-President,

Messrs. G. A. Overend, Daniel O'Connell, William

L. Duggan, Reginald J. Nolan, Joseph Barrett,

P. R. Boyd, William J. Norman, Henry P. Mayne,

Joseph P. Tyrrell, John J. Bolger, Dermot P. Shaw,

Thomas A. O'Reilly, Roger Greene, Arthur Cox,

P. F. O'Reilly.

The following was among the business trans

acted :

Applications under Sections 16 and 18

APPLICATIONS by a law clerk to the Council under

Section 16 for leave to be bound for three years,

and to the Chief Justice under Section 18 for exemp

tion from the Preliminary examination, was con-