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Law Agent, Bank of Ireland, on the legal position

in regard to certificates of discharge from death

duties which is considered to be unsatisfactory, and

appointed a deputation consisting of the President,

Mr. Quirke, Vice-President, and Mr. Patrick F.

O'Reilly to meet representatives from the Banks and

to make any necessary




Revenue Commissioners.

Land Registry Fees

THE Council considered a report from a Committee

which considered correspondence received from a

member of the Society pointing out that Land

Registry Fees in respect of dealings with ground

rents are assessed, not on the capital value of the

ground rents, but on a fictitious capital value based

on the Poor Law Valuation of the premises, out of

which the ground rents are payable. This frequently

results in fees being assessed on a value approxi

mately five or six times the capital value of the rents.

It was ordered that representations should be made

to the Registrar of Titles on the matter.

Costs under the Labourers' Acts

THE President. reported that he had attended with

Mr. Shaw and the Secretary at the Local Govern

ment Department where the deputation had been

received by the Secretary to the Department. It has

been suggested on behalf of the Society that a new

Labourers' Order should be made increasing the

costs payable to solicitors acting for the local

authorities and solicitors acting for the owners of

lands, in conformity with the recent increases under

the Solicitors' Remuneration General Order, 1947,

and the Land Registration (Solicitors' Costs) Rules,

1947. It is understood that a new Labourers' Order

will be prepared at an early date and that the Presi

dent of the Society will be consulted before it is


Applications under Section 47

Two applications from solicitors under Section 47

were considered and granted on payment of the

current licence duty.



THE following is a copy of an Order made by the

Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland :


ANDREWS, BARONET, Lord Chief Justice of

Northern Ireland, do hereby Order and Direct that

no Affidavit purporting to be sworn before any

person describing himself as " a Commissioner for

Oaths for the High Court of Justice in Ireland,"

shall be received or filed in any Office of the Supreme

Court in Northern Ireland without the special

permission of one of the Judges of the said Supreme

Court, unless such person, being a Solicitor, had

been appointed a Commissioner for Oaths for the

Supreme Court in Ireland before the coming into

operation of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920.

Dated this 6th day of May, 1947.


Lord Chief Justice.

N.B. It is suggested that the citation of the Court

by which he was appointed as part of the designation

of a Commissioner for Oaths at the end of an

affidavit is superfluous, and that in fact this addition

is frequently omitted from affidavits sworn before

Commissioners for Oaths both in England and


It is therefore suggested that a Commis

sioner who takes affidavits for

use in Northern

Ireland would be entitled

to describe


simply as " Commissioner for Oaths."


Finance (No. 2) Act, 1947.

SPECIMEN forms of the certificates prepared by the

Revenue Commissioners referred to in the above-


section are printed below.


specimens are not intended to be precedents but are

intended merely to be a guide to solicitors, etc.,

as to the matter essential to be contained in such

certificates and as to the form in which it is desirable

that same should be couched.

It is desired to draw

attention specially to the fact that in order to comply

with sub-sections (4) and (6) the appropriate cer

tificate must in every case be expressed to be given

by the party to whom the property is conveyed or


SUB-SECTION (2) (fe) (i)

I/We certify that the transaction hereby effected

does not form part of a larger transaction or of a

series of transactions, in respect of which the amount

or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the

consideration exceeds £500.

or in the case of Voluntary Dispositions



I/We certify that the transaction hereby effected

does not form part of a larger transaction or of a

series of transactions, in respect of which the value,

or the aggregate value, of the property conveyed

or transferred exceeds £500.




I/We certify that the transaction hereby effected

does not form part of a larger transaction or of a

series of transactions.