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that a definite time should be fixed each year for

the hearing of appeals. The Chairman stated this

matter would have the consideration of the Council.

Mr. D. D. MacDonald enquired whether any

representations had been made by the Council on

the subject of the hearing of appeals by the Supreme

Court consisting of four Judges only. The Chairman

informed Mr. MacDonald that representations had

been made about this matter to Chief Justice Sullivan

but that no alteration had been made in the practice

of the hearing of appeals by four Judges.


stated the matter would have the further attention

of the Council.

Mr. A. J. McDonald raised the question of the

procedure adopted by County Registrars in refusing

to record Workmen's Compensation agreements

unless the amount of the compensation is increased

and without referring the matter to the Court. He

also asked for the guidance of the Council as to the

procedure which should be adopted by a solicitor

who has recommended the workman to accept a

certain sum which is afterwards referred to the

Court as being inadequate, and stated that in his

opinion the solicitor is placed in a very invidious

position in being asked to argue in Court that the

sum which he has advised his client to accept is


Mr. Roger Greene supported Mr. .

McDonald's remarks and the Chairman stated that

the matters would be considered by the Council.

On the motion of Mr. Ivan Howe, Mr. Duggan

vacated the chair which was taken by Mr. J. J.

Lynch. Mr. Howe then proposed, and Mr. Mayne

seconded, a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his

address and for his conduct of the meeting. Mr.

Duggan replied, and the proceedings terminated.



ACT, 1881

ON June i8th the Committee mentioned in Section

2 of the above mentioned Act, decided to make a

General Order increasing solicitors' remuneration

under the Act. The General Order will apply to

business transacted since jth April, 1947, but will

not affect the costs chargeable in any case in which

a bill of costs has prior to June i8th been furnished

to the client. The Order will not take effect until

it has lain before each House of the Oireachtas

for a period of one month.


Applications for sub-division

THE Society has been notified that a simplified

form of application for sub-division of an unvested

holding of tenanted land has been prepared. Copies

of the form may be had on application to the Secre–

tary, Irish Land Commission (Purchase Branch),

24 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin.



ORDER 2 of the Land Purchase Acts Rules, 1947

(S.R. & O., 1947, No. 124) is as follows :

" Order XLVII of the Provisional Rules under

the Land Purchase Acts dated the 5th day of Feb–

ruary, 1924 is hereby amended by the insertion

therein immediately after Rule 3, of the following


" 3A.

The Costs

(as distinct from outlay)

incurred in the course of proceedings in the Land

Commission under the Land Purchase Acts on

and after the ist day of May, 1947, shall be taxed

according to the schedule of fees in the Appendix

hereto with an addition thereto of an amount

equal to 25 per centum of such fees ; provided

that this Rule shall not apply in respect of business

transacted prior to the said ist day of May, 1947,

or in respect of business, the particulars of the

costs of which have been prior to such date

furnished to

the client or person chargeable

therewith, or have been taxed or certified."



of the Appeal Tribunals (Amendment)

Rules, 1947 (S. R. & O., 1947, No. 159)




" The Principal Rules are hereby amended by

the insertion therein immediately after Rule 12 of

the following Rule :

" I2A.

In all proceedings for resumption of

holdings under these Rules, the Fees specified in

the Appendix hereto as payable to the Solicitor

of the tenant, with an addition thereto of an

amount equal to 25 per centum of such fees, and

the fees specified in the said Appendix for Counsel

and Professional Valuers, with an addition of a

sum of


is. od. to each such Fee, shall, as

between party and party, be the lawful Fees and

emoluments for the discharge on and after the

231x1 day of May, 1947, of the duties therein

specified, and in the absence of agreement to the

contrary shall be taxed accordingly by a Taxing

Master of the High Court :

provided that this

Rule shall not apply in respect of duties discharged

prior to the said 23rd day of May, 1947, or in

respect of duties the particulars of the fees for

which have been prior to such date furnished to

the client or person chargeable therewith or have

been taxed or certified."