Term Examination prizes
ON a recommendation of the Society's Professors
of Law, the following prizes were awarded on the
results of the term examinations :
Senior Class—
Eamon P. Carroll apprenticed to Mr. Brendan
M. Glynn, Ballinasloe;
(2) Mary B. P. Hickey
apprenticed to Mr. John J. Timoney, Tipperary ;
Killeen apprenticed
John Foley, Bagenalstown.
Junior Class—
(i) John
C. Reedy apprenticed to Mr. Redmond O'Regan,
Skibbereen ;
(2) Margaret E. Hayes apprenticed
to Mr. Roger G. O'Sullivan, Limerick; (3) Philip
Sheil apprenticed to Mr. Henry Sheil, Dublin.
THE Council invite applications from solicitors for
the office of Professor of Common Law.
particulars and conditions of appointment may be
obtained on application to the Secretary. Applica–
tions for the office, with particulars of applicant's
qualifications, will be received up to August 8th
and should be addressed to the Secretary, Incor–
porated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings,
Four Courts, Dublin.
ACT, 1881
THE following General Order was laid on the table
of Dail Eireann on ist July and on the table of
Seanad Eireann on 2nd July.
It will not come into
operation until it has been laid before each House
and one month thereafter has elapsed, pursuant
to the provisions of Section 6 of the Solicitors'
Remuneration Act, 1881, as adapted by the Adapta–
tion of Enactments Act, 1922 :
WE, the body in that behalf authorised by the
Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881, as adapted by
the Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881 (Adaptation)
Order, 1946, made pursuant to the Adaptation of
Enactments Act, 1922, do hereby, in pursuance and
execution of the powers given to us in the said
statute as so adapted, and of all other powers
enabling us
that behalf, make
the annexed
General Order.
i. This order may be cited as the Solicitors'
Remuneration General Order, 1947. The General
Order made under the Solicitors' Remuneration
Act, 1881, on the i6th day of April, 1884, may be
cited as the Solicitors' Remuneration General Order,
1884. The General Order made under the said
statute on the iyth day of May, 1920, may be cited
the Solicitors' Remuneration General Order
(No. i), 1920. The General Order made under
the said statute on the I5th day of November,
1920, may be cited as the Solicitors' Remuneration
General Order (No. 2),
1920, and
the above-
mentioned orders and this order may be cited
together as the Solicitors' Remuneration General
Orders, 1884 to 1947.
2. The scale of charges set forth in Schedule I Solicitors1
Part I of the Solicitors' Remuneration General Rcrauncratit
Order, 1884, as amended by the Solicitors' Re-Q ° l8g
numeration General Order (No. i), 1910, is hereby clause' 2 w
annulled save in respect of business completed
before the 5th day of April, 1947, and there shall be
substituted therefor in respect of business com–
pleted on or after the said date the scale of charges
in the schedule hereto annexed. The remainder
of Schedule I Part I of the Solicitors' Remuneration
General Order, 1884, as so amended shall remain
in full force and effect.
3. The remuneration payable on a money pay- Solicitors'
ment or premium in a lease completed on or after Rcmuncra"
the 5th day of April, 1947, pursuant to Rule 5 of Qrjcr
Schedule I Part II of the Solicitors' Remuneration clause
General Order, 1884, where a conveyance or lease
is partly in consideration of a money payment or
premium and partly of a rent shall be calculated on
the scale of charges in part
of the schedule hereto
Subject thereto, Schedule I Part II of
the Solicitors' Remuneration General Order, 1884,
as amended by the Solicitors' Remuneration General
Order (No
i), 1920, shall remain in full force and.
4. The remuneration of a solicitor in respect of all solicitor's
business transacted on or after the 5th day of April,
1947, the remuneration for which is authorised O r
regulated by clause 2 (<r) of the Solicitors' Remunera-
tion General Order, 1884, as amended by the
Solicitors' Remuneration General Order (No. i),
1920, shall be increased by the addition in respect
of letters and attendances of twenty-five per cent.,
and in respect of all other business of sixteen and
two-thirds per cent, calculated upon the amount
of such authorised or
immediately prior to the said date.
5. This Order shall not affect the remuneration
for business, the particulars of the costs of which
have been, prior to the date hereof, furnished to
the client or person chargeable therewith or have
been taxed or certified.
6. This Order shall be read with the Solicitors'
Remuneration General Order, 1884, the Solicitors'
Remuneration General Order (No. i), 1920, and
the Solicitors' Remuneration General Order (No. 2),
1920, and shall be deemed to be incorporated there–
with, and shall so far as inconsistent therewith alter
or amend the same.
d'^J 1., £.