A.booklet will at an early date be issued to mem–
bers, containing a consolidated version of the
Solicitors' Remuneration General Orders, 1884 to
1947, together with a new table of fees in con–
veyancing transactions.
It is hoped that this will be
published in the Autumn, but owing to difficulties
in the printing trade the actual date is uncertain at
the moment.
THE following rules and orders, increasing solicitors'
remuneration, are now in force :
High Court Rules (No. 2), 1947, (Society's
Gazette, March, 1947), (authorised increase,
25 per cent, for business contentious or non-
contentious in or before High Court or Supreme
Land Registry Rules, 1947 (Society's Gazette,
March, 1947), (authorised increase, 25 per cent,
for all business prescribed or regulated by the
Land Registry Rules, 1937-46.)
Land Purchase Acts Rules, 1947, Order 2,
(Society's Gazette, June, 1947),
addition of 25 per cent, to fees in Provisional
Rules dated 5th February, 1924.)
(Amendment) Rules, 1947, (Society's Gazette,
June, 1947), (authorised addition of 25
cent, to Solicitors' Fees and £1 is. od. each to
Counsels and Professional Valuers' Fees.)
Section A
require Junior qualified assistant.
(treated confidentially), should state age, where educated,
experience and salary expected to Box No. A. 113.
REPORT from the Legislation and Privileges Com–
mittee on terms of appointment of solicitors
to Local Authorities, with special reference to
the position of Law Agent to the Dun Laoghaire
Borough Corporation and solicitor to the South
Cork Board of Public Assistance.
The Secretary submitted copy letter dated 3oth
June, 1947, sent by Mr. Raymond Kenny to the Dun
Laoghaire Borough Corporation resigning the office
of Law Agent and stating that he would not be pre–
pared to continue except on the basis of taxed costs;
also a letter from Mr. Martin A. Harvey, dated 5 th
July, 1947, enclosing copy of a letter from the Cork
Board of Public Assistance, enquiring whether he
would continue to act on a temporary basis, at a
salary of £250 per annum;.. Kecomrnencted "(Li) The
Secretary be instructed to write to Mr. Raymond
Kenny conveying the approval of the Council to his
resignation from the office of Law Agent;
that a letter be written to Mr. Harvey stating that
in the view of the Council he should not accept the
appointment of solicitor to the South Cork Board
of Public Assistance except on the basis of taxed
costs ;
(3) that if advertisements are issued inviting
applications for either of the above positions on
any basis other than taxed costs a letter should be
sent by the Secretary to each practising solicitor
advising him not to apply for the position
in future if advertisements are issued by or
on behalf of local authorities inviting applications
for positions as solicitors on a part-time basis other–
wise than on the basis of remuneration by taxed
costs, a similar circular should be issued by the
Society to each practising solicitor with the approval
of the Council, if there is time, otherwise with the
approval of the President;
(5) that a copy of this
report if adopted by the Council be published in the
Society's Gazette.
The above report was adopted by the Council,
which also passed the following resolutions :
" That it is the considered opinion of the
Council that no solicitor should accept the
office of solicitor to a local authority, where the
business of the local authority is carried on by
the solicitor with an office and staff provided
by himself, on any basis other than remunera–
tion by taxed costs, and that copies of this
resolution be sent to the Minister for Local
Government, each County Borough Manager,
and notified to the profession."
" That Mr. Raymond Kenny, recently Law
Agent to the Dun Laoghaire Borough Cor–
poration, and Mr. Martin A. Harvey, recently
solicitor to the South Cork Board of Public
Assistance, be informed that the Council ap–
prove of their resignation from their respective
offices on the ground that the terms thereof
were unsatisfactory, and that the Council will
support them in refusing to accept these offices
otherwise than on the basis of remuneration
by taxed costs, and furthermore, that in the
event of either of these positions being ad–
vertised on any basis other than that of taxed
the Council request that no member
of the profession should apply for the appoint–
ments, and that in the event of both of these
positions or either of them being advertised
on the basis of taxed costs the Council request
that no other member of the profession other
than Mr. Raymond Kenny should apply for