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To some, the thought of not making it to the top may prevent

further ascent. Others may reflect, pause, and think it was not worth

the effort and live with regret. Some may view the calamity as proof life

is not fair and descend, instead, into the valley of vindictiveness, de-

spair, and depression. Still others may question their very foundational

values faced with the threatening dangers of life’s “avalanches”.

We may be able to take comfort and firm resolve in someone else

who made it to the summit but failed to reach his goal, although he

was able to see it from afar. Moses, of the Old Testament in the Bible,

led God’s people from slavery to freedom in the Promised Land. On

the arduous journey, Moses’ frustration with the people caused him to

make an “avalanche” mistake by claiming, in one instance, the blessing

of refreshing water from a rock was his doing rather than God’s. Be-

cause of that, Moses was prevented from entering the Promised Land

but was blessed to see it from a mountaintop.

Lesser men would have given up or, worse yet, turn their back on

God. Not Moses! He continued his leadership of God’s people with

renewed vigor and commitment to serve... even when it meant he

would not reach the goal! We would do well to follow Moses’ example

and continue in our effort even when life’s avalanches come out of


In our careers and in our personal lives, the words of



delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, on April 23, 1910

would be worth remembering:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the

strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them bet-

ter. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face

is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs,

who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error

and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows

great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy

cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,

and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that

his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know

victory nor defeat.”

Blessings as we journey together towards life’s mountaintops!

Dan Bateman,



Encountering the Unexpected

On Your Way to the Mountaintop

by Dan Bateman


s 2015 winds down and we continue our theme of


tops and Valleys”

, events on

Mount Everest

earlier this year

reminded me how treacherous the trip to the mountaintop can be. On

April 25th, an earthquake in Nepal triggered an avalanche on Mount

Everest resulting in the deaths of nineteen climbers and guides who

were at base camp on the mountain.

If you’ve seen the video of the avalanche taken by one of the

climbers, the weather was clear and bright prior to the disaster. When

the ground began to shake, the mountain climbers thought it just

something odd as evidenced by their brief and quizzical conversation.

While they felt something was amiss, it was only upon seeing the spec-

tacular and deadly snow plume rushing down the mountainside did

the climbers realize their lives were in danger as they used the precious

few seconds they had to find cover. Terror and fear can be heard in their

voices as the avalanche spread over them like the angel of death men-

tioned in the ten plagues of the Bible. Just as quickly, the avalanche

passed and the surviving climbers began the sorrowful task of recover-

ing bodies of friends and guides.

The irony of this calamitous event was the cause of the avalanche

itself. It was not tons of snow unable to be supported by its own weight.

Neither was it an unrelenting snowfall of such magnitude the moun-

tain itself could not contain the snow. And, no, it was not the perilous

perch of the base campers that threatened their lives. Ironically, the

avalanche was caused by an earthquake whose epicenter was 140 miles

west of Mount Everest.

In some ways, it mimicked a devastating ocean tsunami hundreds

of miles from an earthquake epicenter. But, in this case, instead of mil-

lions of gallons of ocean water, it was tons and tons of snow racing and

plunging downward from great heights; increasing in momentum and

in life-crushing force as it hurtled down the mountain.

In life, like in mountain climbing, the real danger facing us may not

be readily apparent. Oh, we can prepare for the known and potentially

expected inherent dangers of mountain climbing. We can train and pur-

chase all the right equipment for the known hazards of scaling heights.

But, no matter how much preparation we make, nothing prepares us for

the unexpected danger that presents itself from an unknown quarter.

We can learn some lessons of life from the devastating tragedy

of the Mount Everest avalanche. While the analogy may be stretched

somewhat, there is still value in realizing that in life, as in mountain

climbing, there are unexpected dangers from events you could not

possibly expect. The epicenter of the Nepal earthquake triggered an

avalanche 140 miles away much like a series of events in life, wholly

unrelated to your climb, can have devastating consequences.

The overarching lesson in scaling the mountaintops of life, with

all its known dangers, does not denigrate the value inherent in the ef-

fort to reach the summit both in life and career. We face setbacks on

our life journey all the time. And while we can expect and prepare for

the usual, it is the unexpected event that can literally stop us in our

tracks as we trek upward.