The business boomtown tops all the economic
tables in the country: the largest industrial
concentration; the most branches of foreign
companies; the highest productivity.
This, of course, also gives the city the highest
tra c density in the country. Well worth
mentioning when planning your trip from hotel
to the exhibition centre, although it is only a
short drive from the city centre.
Also worth making a note of is the opening
times. The exhibition centre is open from 11am
to 7pm on Tuesday 6
, Wednesday 7
, and
Thursday 8
Take time to read about some of the exhibiting
companies which are listed on the following
pages, and which will give you the ideal
opportunity to plan your time at wire South
America 2015.
www.wire-south-america.comSeptember 2015
wire South America 2015 – Imigrantes Exhibition Centre, São Paulo, Brazil 6
October 2015
BandeirasMonument in IbirapueraPark,SaoPaulo,Brazil -LatinAmerica StockPhoto ID:75551710 Copyright:Frazao