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on the application of the Competition Law. T h e con-

ference will be conducted in French, English and Dutch

with simultaneous translation. Registration, which will

not cover transport or hotel accommodation, will be

approximately £40. No further information is available

at the moment but some leaflets on the event will be

published when arrangements have been completed.

Th e Societies organising the conference invite the

attendance of members of the Corporate Bodies

Solicitors' Association and of Irish Lawyers generally,

expressing their wish to establish regular relations

with their counterparts in this Country.

Since the subject to be dealt with is of f und ame n t al

importance to Solicitors advising clients in the com-

mercial field and as the participation of EEC officials

from the Law Division and the Competition Devision

has been assured, some members of the Incorporated

Law Society may wish to attend the conference. You

might care to mention the event in the Gazette as a

preliminary announcement. When I receive the bro-

chure, I hope to be able to give you more detailed


Yours sincerely,

R. B. McConnell,


Delays in Valuation Office

Valuation Office

6, Ely Place,

Dublin 2

14th J a nu a ry 1974

Jas J. Ivers, Esq.,

Director of the Incorporated Law Society.

Re : Meeting in the General Valuation Office

on the 8 / 1 / 7 4.

Subject Matter : Arrears of Estate Duty Cases

in the office.

Present : Mr. J. J. Ivers (Director of the I.L.S.)

and Messrs. McNicholl, Duffin and Kelly

(Commissioner, Secretary and Staff Valuer


Dear Mr. Ivers,

It emerged in our discussion with you regarding

delays in processing Estate Duty cases that one of the

serious bottlenecks in the General Valuation Office

arises from difficulties in co-relating the particulars re-

turned in the Form D.I. with those in the Valuation

Lists. It was mutually agreed that the scope of these

difficulties would be very much reduced by the adop-

tion of the following suggestions for the f u t u re :

1. Particulars on Form D.I. to be in type-script.

2. Complete all columns on the Form D.I. with rele-

vant information.

3. Th at the following documents should be attached

to the form D.I. (a) copy of Rate Dema nd Notes

(preferably applicable at date of death) for each

item or Certificate of Valuation from the Local

Authority, (b) Copy of Auctioneer's or Valuer's


T h e Commissioner for his part undertook to take all

steps in his power to reduce the backlog of cases. At

present there are some old files in the office which are

held up because no replies were received from Solicitors

when Demand Notes were requested. May I think you

for your courtesy and understanding of the difficulties

associated with the problem and I trust that through

mutual co-operation an appreciable improvement will

be effected.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Kelly

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