TPi March 2013 - page 31

March 2013 Tube Products International
products & developments
products & developments
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Polymeric lubricating
Condorlube TF 05 is the latest evolution
of the lubricant process with waterborne
polymers. It has been developed in
Condoroil Chemical labs and improved
in close cooperation with leading
manufacturers of tubes.
TF 05 has been designed as an
environmentally friendly alternative to
pre-treatment cycles that use products
containing heavy metals and anions
such as phosphates and nitrates. It can
be applied in carbon or stainless steel
tube drawing, and the preparation of
surfaces differs according to the type
of metal.
The system offers advantages in terms
of energy saving, better cleaning of
the working area, less wear on the
equipment, and elimination of pollutants
in water.
Condorlube TF 05 is a co-polymeric
waterborne emulsion with an integrated
package of lubricant additives.
Lubricating properties are guaranteed
through a sophisticated production
process. Primary and secondary
monomers, combined with special
lubricating additives, form a high weight
and molecular structure compound
that ensures lubricity even at extreme
operating conditions.
This polymeric compound, in
combination with primary corrosion
inhibitors and secondary additives with
buffering action of pH, guarantees the
adherence of the lubricant film and
prevents oxidation during the dry step.
As a one-step chemical process this
lubricant mixture, when dried and
turned into a hard and adherent film,
can also supply a durable lubrication
when temperatures rise significantly
during the drawing process.
Characteristics of the polymeric
lubrication system include long life of
the bath and reduction of management
costs of the lubrication system; low
consumption compared to cold forming
cycles with traditional lubricants;
elimination of drawing residuals; and
reduction of dust compared with soap-
based lubricants.
Condorlube TF 05 allows the elimination
of the zinc phosphating process from
acid pickling or sandblasting lines.
This means a reduction on sludge
removal, and elimination of the
de-phosphatising process and of the
residuals that can form in the thermal
treatment furnaces. Process times
become shorter and finishing of the
drawn surface is improved.
Condoroil Chemical Srl
– Italy
An evironmentally friendly
alternative to pre-treatment
products & developments
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