TPi March 2013 - page 32

Tube Products International March 2013
products & developments
Potable water approvals for
universal pipe coating
Plascoat’s PPA 571 Aqua thermoplastic
coating has been given approval for use
with potable water in the UK, Australia
and New Zealand.
PPA 571 Aqua has WRAS (Water
Regulations Advisory Scheme) approval
in the UK, and meets the joint Australian
and New Zealand standard AS/NZS
PPA 571 Aqua is a universal
thermoplastic coating developed by
Plascoat Systems Ltd to provide a
‘one product suits all’ solution for
the water industry and to help water
authorities reduce maintenance and
running costs.
The coating can be used on all pipes and
pipe fittings, internally and externally,
and is suitable for use both above and
below ground.
Using a single coating, with no need
for primer, makes application quicker,
easier and cheaper. Plascoat claims
that maintenance costs of pipes coated
in PPA 571 Aqua will be lower than
alternative coatings as it provides
excellent longevity and a high resistance
to UV, sand abrasion and salt spray.
PPA 571 Aqua is a flexible coating and
is easily repairable. Running costs can
also be reduced.
PPA 571 Aqua gives a smooth, low
friction surface, nearly doubling the flow
rate of water through the pipe compared
to a cement lining. This offers the
possibility of building fewer pumping
stations or using smaller bore sized
Plascoat works closely with worldwide
water authorities; PPA 571 Aqua has
been developed to meet potable and
waste water approvals across the globe
and is free of Bisphenol A.
Plascoat Systems Ltd
– UK
Application range of high pressure
pipes extended
pipes, from German plastic
pipe system manufacturer egeplast, can
now be installed by means of trenchless
The high pressure pipes with protective
coating can be used for open trench
installation in a sand bed, open
installation without a sand bed, for
ploughing, milling, relining and HDD.
The high pressure polyethylene pipe can
withstand pressure up to 32 bar (water)
and 16 bar (gas).
The use in alternative installation
techniques is made possible by a point
load resistant inner layer made from PE
100-RC and an additional protective
coating made from abrasion-resistant
The pipes are supplied with
transparent outer layer, with silver-
coloured HexelOne pipe and coloured
stripes on the core pipe as media
labelling. TÜV certification has already
been granted.
The HexelOne pipes
are also available with
diffusion barrier layers
strips for position
finding (DCT
) and
additional layers for
leak detection (3L
The transparent coating
permits the integration
of a readable barcode
egeplast international GmbH
PPA 571 Aqua now has potable water
approval in Australia, New Zealand and
the UK
egeplast HexelOne high pressure pipes can now be used for
alternative installation techniques
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