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2. Management and Directors’ compensation




At December 31, 2016, the estimated amount of the pension

accordance with the methodology set by Article D.225-104-1

€243,000 per year. This indicative amount is calculated in

supplemental pension would come to a gross amount of

that Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar will receive as

his/her duties at the closing date of the fiscal year, be based

account the seniority acquired by the executive Director in

pension must be estimated on an annual basis, take into

of the French Commercial Code, according to which the

on the remunerations recorded during the last fiscal year(s)

realization of the commitment, as if the executive Director

and be calculated independently of the conditions of

fiscal year.

could benefit from it starting the day after the close of the

described above, as well as life insurance, to which

The lifetime benefits granted consist of the retirement income

€9,000. This premium is assumed in its entirety by

of which is estimated as at December 31, 2016 to be less than

subscribe like other retirees upon retiring, the annual premium

Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar will have an opportunity to


after which only 50% continues to be assumed by the

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain in the first year of retirement,

for Pierre-André de Chalendar in his capacity

de Saint-Gobain employees to be maintained

insurance policies applicable to Compagnie

Benefits under the Group health and personal risk

as non-salaried executive Director.

from the Group’s health and personal risk insurance policies

Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar will continue to benefit in full

Saint-Gobain also benefit from.

respectively, which all the employees of Compagnie de

entered into with GAN and Mutuelle Malakoff Médéric,

Shareholders’ Meeting of June 8, 2017 (“Say on Pay” ex post).

and Chief Executive Officer, in 2016 subject to shareholders' approval at the General

Compensation components due or granted to Mr Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman


Governance Committee, that are subject to shareholders' approval at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of June 8, 2017, in

Executive Officer in 2016, decided by the Board of Directors at the recommendation of the Nomination, Remuneration and

The following table shows the compensation components due or granted to Mr Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief

accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code.

Compensation components due or granted to Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, in respect of 2016

Pursuant to Recommendation 26.1 of the AFEP-MEDEF corporate governance code for French listed companies:

due or granted at year-end

Compensation component

submitted to vote (in EUR)

Amount or book value


Fixed compensation

Amount due: €1,100,000

Fixed compensation unchanged since 2010.


Annual variable

Amount due: €1,529,879

of February 23, 2017)

(Board of Directors’ meeting

his fixed compensation, (as for 2015), and fixed the quantitative and qualitative objectives

Chalendar’s variable compensation in respect of fiscal year 2016 could not exceed 170% of

At its February 25, 2016 meeting, the Board of Directors decided that Mr. Pierre-André de

February 23, 2017 meeting, determined Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar’s variable

the Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee, the Board of Directors, at its

of his compensation (structure unchanged since 2014). Based on the recommendations of

detailed below, determining, up to a limit of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively, the variable portion

below have been achieved:

compensation as follows, taking into account the extent to which the objectives outlined

quantitative objectives (ROCE, Group operating income, Group recurring earnings per

the portion of the variable compensation based on the fulfillment of the four


achievement rate of 88% (the completion rate of the various quantitative objectives is

share and operating free cash flow) amounted to €1,093,546, corresponding to an

presented in chapter 6, section 2.2.3);

to €436,333, corresponding to a percentage of overall completion of the qualitative

responsibility policy and continuation of the Group’s development strategy) amounted

digital transformation of the Group, implementation of the corporate social

the amount of the variable portion of the four qualitative objectives (Sika transaction,


objectives of 70%.

an achievement rate of 82%.

On this basis, his 2016 annual variable compensation totaled €1,529,879, corresponding to

Overall, Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar’s total compensation (fixed and variable)

amounted to €2,629,879 for 2016, an increase of 10.31% over 2015.


Deferred variable


Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar has not been granted any deferred variable compensation.

Multi-year variable



Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar has not been granted any multi-year variable
