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3. A Group that is committed to the professional growth of its employees




introduction of minimum requirements on all

Group sites

Technical standards, a guarantee of effective


corresponding standards drawn up:

Based on the analysis of serious accidents, the underlying

causes contributing most often were identified and the

Technical safety standards, focused on high risks

Management of external businesses

Work permits

Working at height


Confined spaces

Safety of machines

Vehicles and pedestrians

Forklift trucks

Storage and logistics operations

Road risks

so as to share good practices.

A self-assessment questionnaire is made available for each

standard, so as to evaluate their introduction. Some General

Delegations and Sectors organize cross-audits between sites

events and to identify the underlying causes.

In addition to these technical standards, an accident analysis

standard lays down the methodologies to be used to analyze

The Sectors and the Activities also draw up standards

specific to their processes, or guides on application.

for the various technical standards. At the same time, the

establishments identify the standards whose implementation

is a priority and draw up an annual action plan on that basis.

The Sectors define the compliance objectives to be achieved

Encouraging safety results


reduction in the recordable accident rate. The Group’s TRAR

fell from 3.9 in 2015 to 3.5 in 2016.

For several years, thanks to the efforts made by everyone,

the Group has recorded a constant fall in the number of

work-related accidents, with lost time or non-lost time. In

2016, the improvement in safety results was reflected in a

and sharing a common culture of safety.

This improvement is the result of reinforcing risk assessments,

introducing technical safety standards, involving everyone

and 9 at December 31, 2015.

“silver millionaires” (specifically with 10 years with no

lost-time accidents) and 11 are “gold millionaires” (specifically

with 15 years with no lost-time accidents) compared to 68

2015. Gaining entry to this “Club” increases the standing of

the establishments that have the best results and that

demonstrate to the entire Group that the objective of zero

work-related accidents is possible. Out of these sites, 78 are

“Millionaires Club” comprises the most exemplary sites in

terms of safety, with 1 million hours worked or 5 years without

any accidents involving lost time specifically. In 2016, it

included a total of 251 sites compared to 243 at the end of

Saint-Gobain endeavors to share best practices and to

develop the good results and progress made in the field. The

four to distinguish exemplary programs conducted by a

company or an Activity within the Group in the field of health

and safety prevention.

Every year, Saint-Gobain rewards its most exemplary sites

and companies. 21 health and safety Diamonds were awarded

in 2016, 17 to reward sites making remarkable progress and

Employee health


A Health Policy covering the various


Saint-Gobain parties involved

customers and users of its products, as well as for residents

adjacent to its sites.

In 2013, Saint-Gobain adopted a Health Policy that falls within

the framework of the continuity of actions already

undertaken by the Group. It establishes the guidelines of its

action for protecting the health of its employees, its

it, in accordance with their local regulations and in addition to

the health and industrial hygiene standards and tools already

in place.

All the Group’s sites throughout the world have to implement

working conditions.

physical constraints of the workstations, promoting a balance

between private and work life and preventing the

psycho-social risks and the stress connected with work are all

challenges to ensure the health of employees and good

connected with individual risk factors such as a sedentary

lifestyle or nicotine addiction. Taking into account the

the Group employees, by taking actions to prevent illness

its employees, temporary workers and subcontractors

working on its sites throughout the world, by anticipating and

preventing risks of occupational illness or disability. The

Health Policy also promotes the individual health of each of

Saint-Gobain’s ambition is to collectively protect the health of

in this sense.

product. Each Activity incorporates control over the health

risks in responsible product management, by carrying out

Lifecycle Analyses (ACV) in particular. The Group’s Health

Policy supplements Saint-Gobain’s eco-innovation approach

when designing and launching new products and solutions

onto the market. EHS tools are available to R&D and

marketing to identify the risks throughout the lifetime of the

The second aspect of the Group’s Health Policy relates to

respect for the health of customers and users of its products

and services. This is a major aspect to be taken into account

Residents’ health is the third aspect of this policy. The sites

take measures to reduce environmental impact that could

have consequences on the residential areas nearby: noise and

emissions and discharge into the air, water, soil and sub-soil.

by listing the number and causes of illnesses to adapt its

prevention measures to the local contexts.

Within the scope of the Health Policy, Saint-Gobain is

strengthening its system of monitoring occupational illness

trend of indicators connected with health and occupational


medical monitoring system that enables it to establish the

consultation with the Sectors and Activities. Saint-Gobain’s

General Delegation in Brazil, for example, has introduced a

Each General Delegation draws up and applies action plans

for the implementation of the Health Policy following