The United Kingdom Bartenders' Guild wish to express
their appreciation of the very kindly assistance given in the
compilation of this book by the following:—
M. Andre Simon
(for permission to use his material in connection icith the
Glossaries of Liqueurs and General Information, British
and Empire Wines, etc.)
Phillip Gee, Esq.
(for his article on Scotch Whiskv).
A. A. Burrough, Esq.
(for his article on Gin).
Alfred H. Dunhill, Esq.
(for his article on Cigars),
H. K. Poulsen, Esq.
(for his article on Lager Beer)
to our President and Committee of Councillors, our
Associate Members and friends in the Wine, Spirit and
Kindred Trades and all others who helped in the production
of this book our grateful thanks.