Then in 1937 the first International Cocktail Competition
was planned and held at Olympia,London,and was a great
Membership grew with the selection from applicants of
known abihty, loyalty and integrity, not only in the U.K.
but also in the British Empire, Europe and the U.S.A.
The Guild also counted among its membership some of the
leading Bartenders"serving"on the seas and in the air.
Soon the Guild were organising visits to foreign capitals
and other places and were receiving visits in return by our
"counter"parts from most of the European countries.
With the declaration of war the many social functions,
sporting events, educational visits and Cocktail Champion
ships that had been planned had to be abandoned. During
the 1939^5 war,trojan work was done by the Council, the
Secretary and other members who were not accepted into
the armed forces but who were kept busy on rescue squads,
fire-fighting, including the extinguishing of one enemy
incendiary bomb in the Guild office, when our records were
fortunately saved. These Guardians of the Guild made
really herculean efforts to provide Guild members in the
Forces with frequent suppUes of cigarettes, food and
dehcacies and many other comforts at their own expense.
Such is the spirit of brotherhood • observed among the
Guild members. Many of our members in the Forces
served with distinction and credit and not a few were
decorated for their services.
With the end of hostihties and the return of members,
many to their former places of emplo5mient, we saw the
gradual renewal of the Guild's former activities and its
rapid expansion.
During the past 26 years many hundreds of members
have gained experience they would not otherwise have
enjoyed, for the Guild has organised besides its many
Cocktail Competitions in London, Dublin, Manchester and
Torquay, visits to Distilleries, Breweries and Vineyards, in
England and France,to witness the various processes of the
manufacture of wines, spirits and beers.
The Guild in its aims has found employment for many
of its members and assisted others in times of financial