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Here's How

calcium or iron or vitamin C. Their message

to the stomach, brain and intestines is for

food—food—food. So the victim eats and

eats,hut never satisfies the hunger that calls

within him. He is starved for minerals.

For convenience this starvation is called

hidden hunger. Because we cannot tell ex

actly which mineral or vitamin is needed we

have devised the hidden himger cocktail.

One white vegetable such as parsnips, one

yellow—earrots; one green such as spinach

and one red—beets; the juice of these four

vegetables,representing allthe minerals and

elements the body requires, is mixed in

equal proportions, and we are enabled to

drink a hearty toast to the appeasement of

the ogre that won't he satisfied—hidden


Tooth Problems

Nature provided us with teeth for a very

definite purpose—to grind and crush foods

so that the digestive juices could get into

them and do their work. Advancing years,

unnecessary tooth pulling and the softfoods
