To Be Healthy
favorite fresh fruit juice. Most of them like
orange juice, grapefruit juice, apple juice,
imsweetened pineapple juice and grape
juice. These are splendid "mixers" for the
vegetable juices. So far I have not found
one youngster who did not like the cocktail
made with spinach, parsley and orange
Fimdamentally these fruit juices are
about the same. So mix the vegetable juices
with any of the above fruit juices in equal
Greet your boys and girls with one of
these vital cocktails when they come home
from school. Give your undernourished
youngsterstwo or three glassfuls ofthis vital
juice and almost instantly they wiU respond
with increased strength and vitality.
Psychological Appeal
And now we come to the last—and in
some ways the most important—reason for
the Health Cocktail.
That is its appeal to the palate,to the eye
—aUthe things that make it psychologically