tea Mrs. Augustus Eddy and Mrs. Fowler
McCormlck gave last week at the Casino
for Dr. Hauser and Miss Elizabeth Arden,
Dr. Hauser, as you know, is the expon
ent of the "eat and grow beautiful" theory,
so it wasn't hard for Mrs. Mitchell and
Mrs. Wheeler to Interest their friends in
hearing what he had to say.
Such Lake Forest beauties as Mrs. Clif
ford Rodman and Mrs. Laurance Armour
were fascinated by the possibilities of
spinach cockialls.
Mrs. AitAioi i{. in a
dre.vsof black wool; Mrs.
Mitchell, In a short coat of checked
tweed, and Mrs. Wheeler, In tweeds, had
all driven In from Lake Forest In the rain
without losing any of their custonmi-y
Under her slormcoat Mrs. Fowler Mc
Cormlck was wearing a brown print
Nobody was more surprised or Interested
than she to hear that the oil of an orange
or lemon peel Is concentrated sunshine
and Just as good a Winter pickup as cod-
liver oil.
Munching shredded cabbage sprinkled
with grapefruit juice—and liking It—were
Mrs. Farwell Winston, Mrs. Edward Harris
Brewer, Mj\s. Byron Harvey, Sr., Mrs.
Charles Swift, Mrs. Donald Ryerson, Mrs.
Walter Brewster and the chic and wil
lowy Eleanor Hoiden, who Is happily
awaiting the arrival of her good friend,
Edith Cimnntngs Munson, from Alberta.