Stage I: confined to cervix
Ia1: minimal microscopic invasion
Ia2: invasion ≤ 5mm depth and ≤ 7mm horizontally
Ib1: greater than Ia, clinically visible, confined to the cervix, ≤ 4 cm size
Ib2: > 4 cm size
Stage II: invades beyond cervix but not to side wall or lower third of
IIa: tumour without parametrial invasion
IIa1: ≤ 4 cm size
IIa2: > 4 cm size
IIb: tumour with parametrial invasion
Stage III: tumour extends to pelvic sidewall and/or lower third of vagina
or causes hydronephrosis or non-functioning kidney
IIIa: lower third of vagina, no pelvic side wall extension
IIIb: involving pelvic side wall or causing hydronephrosis
Stage IV: tumour invades mucosa of bladder or rectum and/or extends
FIGO staging 2008
5-year survival :
5-year survival: