lot of courage to pull the
trigger. I had read in some
ar ticle somewhere that
two guys were not able to
accept their sudden illness.
Sexual impotence, for them,
was the worst catastrophe.
They decided to choose their
death. Certain newspaper
articles brought up the idea
that each of them, while
living, refused to tell anyone
about their decision. From
the time they were no longer
here, what did it matter to
them that the world was up-
to-date on their infirmity?
Whi le reviewing various
cases, I discovered that
Cesare Pavese, a famous
Italian poet, killed himself,
not because of a supposed
impotence, but because of
premature ejaculation. If
that was worthy of suicide,
lots of guys would be
killing themselves… At 20
years old, as soon as a girl
approached me, as soon
as her skin touched mine, I
would ejaculate. I often had
stains on my pants around
my zipper. I would wait an
hour and then make love.
One day, my “girlfriend”
told me: “You know, to avoid
that, jerk off right before we
see each other. You will be
more relaxed and we can
take the time to have a good
fuck.” Expert advice. It was
a married woman who loved
to get laid in the evenings.
A mature woman who first
introduced me to physical
love without weighing it
down with emotions. She
was marvelous because she
made everything simple.
She told me she loved her
husband but she needed to
have sex all the time. She was
direct, joyful, and slightly