GFTU EC Young Workers Seat Nomination - Candidate Supporting
Freddie Seale (GMB)
My name is Freddie Seale and I am standing to be a young member on the GFTU
Executive Committee. I have been a young activist in my union, GMB, since 2015
and have developed invaluable experience campaigning and organising on young
workers’ issues.
My involvement began in campaigning to protect the union rights of workers on
University campuses and against the casualisation of contracts and unfair
dismissals. Since then I have been active in the National GMB Young Members
Network, developing my knowledge through attending young activist training courses
and conferences, as well as campaigning on a wide range of young workers’ issues
from a £10 an hour living wage to tackling out of control rents and defending our
NHS. My involvement has given me great experience in helping organise campaign
activities including lobbying the Government against age discrimination in their so-
called ‘National Living Wage’, which included meeting with Shadow Ministers in
Parliament in November 2016 to provide evidence and help organise parliamentary
activity for the campaign.
I have also gained a great deal of experience supporting other trade unions in their
campaigns from my time working for the trade union and Labour Party liaison
organisation UnionsTogether, helping to run their social media campaigning. I have
worked with affiliate unions on key national campaigns such as fighting the Trade
Union Bill and protecting workers’ rights during Brexit as well as working to publicise
and support their campaigns such as BFAWU’s £10 an Hour & Union Rights and
Action for Rail by our Transport union affiliates. In campaigning on these issues I
have a firm belief that unions’ working together in unity and solidarity is essential to
securing better rights, conditions and futures for young workers in 21
This fight comes at a time when the need to recruit and organise more young
workers in unions is greater than ever. In the EC role I will work closely with fellow
young workers’ on the committee to help take forward GFTU’s exciting initiatives on
recruitment and development of young workers such as the New Generation
Festival, applying my experience of campaigning across the movement to help
continue GFTU’s invaluable work on young workers’ campaigns and education.