shaved ice. Fill to top with milk and stir. Top with grated
nutmeg and sip from rim or through straw or glass sipper.
Either of these drinks may also be made as hot drinks
by merely stirring in glasses after milk has been heated.
Don't heat the other ingredients.
Thatshaker hasto be kept busy with thisrum milk punch:
Pour into the ice contents one pint milk and two and a
half ounces of rum,the juice of a half lemon and half orange.
Add one egg and shake until your arms ache. Now pour into
tumbler containing shaved ice and top off with some grated
nutmeg. If you don't hke this, see your doctor.
Then there's the gin milk punch. Didn't know about
such a drink, did you? Well, here's how to mix one:
Into a large tumbler half full of ice pour an ounce of gin
and add a half ounce of Bacardi rum. Fill with milk and stir
thoroughly with a spoon. Now strain into tall, thin glass of
the Pilsner type and top with grapenuts or grated nutmeg.
Like it?
The Punch Romaine is a delightful treat and is worth
whatever httle trouble it requires to make. Into your ice-
prepared punch bowl pour the strained juice of eight lemons,
four oranges and three pints of gum. Mix by stirring a bit.
Now beat the whites of eight to ten eggs until they are
frothy and add gradually to the mixture while stirring.
When well distributed, pour in one quart of rum and one
bottle of any kind of wine you hke best, stirring thoroughly
before serving. Here's enough for twelve to fifteen drinks.
Just for a change try this one-drink formula and if you
like the Curacao Punch,just follow the proportions for larger
amounts. Into a goblet pour three ounces of Curacao, and