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days o f A p ril, the follow ing passed the examination

and their names are arranged in order o f merit.

i. Jam es K e v in Martin ; 2. Paschal D . M . O ’B rien ;

3. Jam es W. G . O sb o rn e ; 4. Bernard M . C.

M cD erm o tt; 5 Joh n D . Nugent.

7 candidates attended ; 5 passed.

Final Examination.

A t the Final Exam ination fo r apprentices to

Solicitors held on the 12 th , 13th and 14 th days o f

A p ril, the follow in g passed the examination and

their names are arranged in order o f merit.

Passed With Honours.

1. M ary E . Reihill, B . A . ; 2. K ieran T . Flynn.


Denis Henry Johnston , B .A . ; Jo h n K . B o la n d ;

Raymond M . Walker, B .A ., L L . B . ; Patrick Sm y th ;

A lan Jo seph M cGonagle, B .A . ; G erard M . Quirk,

B . A . ; Hohn B . K irb y , B . A . ; Francis T . D .

Sw e en e y ; Ignatius F . B ra n ig a n ; Jo h n B a ily ;

Jam es D . D o n e g a n ; Patrick J . C o d y ; A lec

D iamond ; Francis J . Plunkett D illo n ; Sean K e lly ,

B .A .

32 candidates en tered ; 17 passed.

Th e Council has awarded Special Certificates to

M ary E . Reihill and K ieran T . Flynn.




Incorporated L aw Society o f Ireland has been

asked to draw the attention o f solicitors, apprentices

and intending apprentices to the facilities offered by

R o s G o ill Summer College, D own ings, Co. Donegal.

It is intended this Summer to conduct a special

course fo r lawyers, law students, solicitors’ appren­

tices and others, w ith a v iew to fitting them to do

legal w o rk in Irish. Fu ll particulars can be had from

Seamus O Raghallaigh, the Secretary o f the College,

c/o Customs and Excise, B ridgend, Lifford, Co.


T h e surroundings o f the College are

most attractive and sw imm ing, boating, go lf,

climbing, h iking and w alking, as w e ll as excursions

to historical and picturesque places in County

Donegal, w ill be available. G o o d , clean and com ­

fortable accommodation in local houses, which

have been adapted to take in visitors and cater for

them, can be arranged through the College

authorities. Th e Course should be a great facility

fo r candidates at the F irst Irish and Second Irish

Exam inations o f the Society and the natural Irish­

speaking atmosphere o f the neighbourhood gives

every facility fo r acquiring fluency in Irish.


Adm issibility o f Evidence on Similar Facts—-II


(L .O .R .,

A p ril 19 34.)

A rbitration—-Onus o f P ro o f in action to enforce

an award— “ B row n


Oesterreichischer Wald-

b esitz er” ( L .T ., 19th March, 1954).

Bankrupt-Legatee— (K er)

(The Conveyancer,


A p ril 1954).

Brussels Copyrigh t Convention and Domestic L e g is­

lation (Abel) (

I.& C .L .O

., A p ril 1954).

Cattle T respass and the Scienter Rule— “ Wormald


C o le ”


1s t May, 1954)-

Causes o f an Accidental Occurrence (Munkman)

March 1954).

Chancery Practice— Nature o f Proofs required in

support o f an incumbrancer’s claim— “ B ank o f



Blackall ” (Budd J.) ( J.L .T ., 24th A p ril,



Compensation fo r Lo ss o f Woman’s Hair— “ North


Fontayne ” (West London County Court)


24th A p ril, 1954)-

Consideration— “ Central London Property T ru st


H igh T rees H o u s e ”





17th A p ril

1 9 5 4


Costs— Clear directions

essential— “ Keenan


R o sed a le ” ( L .T ., 26th M arch, 1954)-

Council o f E u rop e— 1949-53.—I (Robertson) ( J.&

C .L .Q .,

A p ril 1954)-

Delegated Legislation—R epo rt o f House o f Com­

mons Select Committee ( L .T ., 30th A p ril, 1954).

Dom icil— Committee on Private International L aw

( L .T ., 1 2th March, 1954).

D runk in charge— Case L aw under E n glish Road

Traffic A ct


24th A p ril, 1954).

Educational T ru sts fo r the benefit o f employees

considered a charity— " R e K o ettg en ’s Wills

Trusts ” ( L .T ., 5th M arch, 1954).

E xp ert Evidence to-day ( L .T ., 9th A p ril, 1954).

Frustration— Some observations (G ow ) (

I.& C .L .O

A p ril, 1954).

International Monetary Fund— Interpretation o f

Articles (Golor) (

I.& C .L .Q

., April).

International Delinquencies before Municipal Courts


(L .O .R .,

A p ril 1954).

Je se y—M inquiers and E crehos Case (Johnson)

( I .& C .L .jg ., A p ril 1954).

Jo in t Powers General and Special— Problem s o f

“ R e Churston’s Settled Estates ” considered

( L .T ., 15th A p ril, 1954).