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member of the Council has given unsparingly of

his time in the interest of the profession and the

Society is a fact that I hope is appreciated by all.

At the same time it would be unfair not to acknow­

ledge the fact that we are greatly indebted to various

Bar Associations throughout the country who in

many o f the matters here reviewed, kept in close

touch with us and showed their willingness to

work for what we hope to be the good o f the

profession. All these efforts would have been vain

were it not for the ever ready assistance o f Mr.

Plunkett and his willing staff. Our indebtedness

to them should be here and now publicly acknow­

ledged. Your patience in listening to me has won

my admiration, and I can only hope that my efforts

to serve you will meet with your approval.”

Mr. F. A. Gibney asked for information on the

subject of the proposed Conference o f the Inter­

national Bar Association which had been abandoned.

The representatives o f the press having left the

meeting, the President made a statement on the

subject, with which Mr. Gibney declared himself

to be perfectly satisfied.

On the motion o f Mr. James G. O’Connor, the

Chair was taken by Mr. Nash, Vice-President. Mr.

O’Connor then moved, and Mr. Desmond Moran

seconded a vote o f thanks to the President for his

address to the meeting, and for his services to the

Society during the past six months. The Vice-

President associated himself with the vote which

was put to the meeting and carried, with acclamation.

The President briefly replied and the proceedings

then terminated.





the 13th May, 1954, the President presented

certificates to the following newly admitted solicit­

ors :—Mathias Buchalter, B.A. (Mod.) LL .B .,

“ Kintullagh, 3 Gracefield Road, Artane, Co.

Dublin; George H. Crawford, 66 Dundela Park

Sandycove Co. Dublin ; Finbar P. J. MacCarthy,

B.A . (N.U.I.) Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath; John

Michael O’Connor, B.A. (N.U.I.), 2 Clyde Road,

Dublin; Donal Brendan O’Connell, Ballingulley

House, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.


19 3 1 .

Costs o f Renewal Leases.



has been decided by the Taxing Masters that in

general a renewal o f a lease made pursuant to the

Landlord and Tenant Act 19 31, as amended, is not

a lease at a rack rent and that therefore the scale of

costs applicable is the scale for a lease at less than

a rack rent. Accordingly the Council is o f the

opinion that solicitors should charge the higher

scale in such cases unless the rent charged on the

renewal lease can clearly be shown to be a rack rent.

It is realised that in the case o f large rents the higher

scale of costs is out o f proportion and so, in such

cases or where there are special circumstances, the

Council will not consider that a solicitor is under­

cutting if he elects to charge on the scale applicable

to leases at rack rent.





years ago the Council made representations

to the Revenue Commissioners in support o f the

claim for the income tax child allowance in favour

o f the parent o f a solicitor’s apprentice serving

under indentures. The Commissioners held that

a solicitor’ s apprentice did not come within the

relevant statutory provisions and that the claim

could not be conceded, having regard to the pro­

visions o f the Finance Act, 1920, section 21. There

are no legislative provisions in force in the Republic

o f Ireland similar to the English Finance Act, 1928,

section 20 (See Heaslip


Heasmear, 13 Tax cases,

212). The Society has received no official notifica­

tion of any change in the attitude o f the Revenue

Commissioners, but the Council are aware o f three

cases since 1951, in which the claim has been

allowed by the Special Commissioners.


Conroy allowed an appeal against the refusal of

the claim in Cork last year, and in a recent case in

Dublin, the Special Commissioners allowed the

claim, the Inspector of Taxes having intimated that

he withdrew his opposition apparently on instruc­

tions from his head office. The Secretary will give

further particulars to any member interested.







Where a testator having appointed solicitors as executors

and trustees with the usual provision that they should he

paid their professional charges subsequently revoked the

appointment and appointed a Bank as executor without

declaring that the Bank should be entitled to charge was

the Bank in fa ct entitled to the customary scale o f charges

under the terms o f the Will and Codicil, or had the

Court a discretion to allow the charges ?

The answer to both questions appears to be in

the affirmative. The will contained a general power

authorising a professional trustee to charge for