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of the bill, but notice had been given to the lessors

and it was contended that this was sufficient. The

Council decided that as between the parties, the

lessees were bound by a notice given to the lessors

by the lessors’ solicitor electing to take the item

charges under clause 6 o f S.R.G.O. 1884, provided

that written notice signed by the solicitor was

•communicated to the clients before undertaking any


Right o f client to bill o f costs.


c l ie n t

wrote to the Society complaining that a

member had refused to furnish a copy o f a bill in

respect o f which costs had been paid. Member

acted for both vendor and purchaser for whom a

loan was obtained, completed the transaction and

explained the figures from a rough bill which was

shown to the client before closing and payment of

the costs. The client subsequently asked for a copy

o f the bill but member refused to furnish it on the

ground that the matter had been closed. The matter

was referred to a committee which reported that

member should furnish a copy o f the bill to the

client. The committee’s report was adopted by

the Council.

Agency commission with English solicitors.


e m b e r s

belong to a Bar Association, the rules of

which include a provision that agency commission

should not be allowed to other solicitors. They

enquired whether in the opinion of the Council,

such a rule would prevent them from allowing

agency commission to English solicitors. A report

o f a committee to which the matter was referred,

and which was adopted by the Council, stated that

having regard to the arrangement between the

Society and the English Law Society (See Society’s

Gazette, July-August 1952, page 67) it is not

expedient that the rule o f the local Bar Association

should apply to the usual agency commission

between Irish and English solicitors and the com­

mission should therefore be allowed.

Election to Seanad Eireann.


h e

Council decided to propose the President, Mr.

Joseph Barrett, for nomination as the Society’s

candidate for election to the Seanad on the Cultural

and Educational Panel. It was decided to hold a

special General Meeting of the Society on 24th May,

at which the Council’s proposal would be submitted

for adoption by the members o f the Society.

High Court in Cork.


h e

Council considered a report from their repres­

entatives on the Superior Courts Rules Committee

on a proposal that the High Court should sit in

Cork City to deal with witness actions arising in

the City and County o f Cork. The matter had been

discussed by the Superior Court Rules Committee,

but no decision had been reached and the Committee

wished to know the views o f the Society. It was

decided that the Society’s representatives should

inform the Committee that the Council approve

in principle o f the proposal, that sittings o f the

High Court should be held in Cork. The details

o f the proposal, including the area of jurisdiction,

of the proposed High Court in Cork were not before

the meeting and the Society’s representatives were

asked to submit to the Council the detailed proposals

when received.


The Society in General Meeting on May 24th

proposed the President, Mr. Joseph Barrett, for

nomination as the Society’s candidate on the

Cultural and Educational Panel at the election for

Seanad Eireann. It is with confidence that the

Council appeal for the active support o f all members

in obtaining votes for our candidate. It is now

more important than ever that the Society should

have representatives in each House o f the Oireachtas

to voice the opinion o f the Society on matters o f

vital interest to solicitors and their clients.

The election will be conducted on the system of

P.R., and the electorate will consist o f :

The members o f the new D a il;

The members o f the outgoing Seanad ; and

The members o f every County Council and

County Borough Council.

The nomination committees have been abolished

by the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act 1954,

and the Society’s candidate will therefore be placed

on the Panel from which the new Seanad will be

elected by the persons mentioned above. Every

vote from the first to the second last preference

will be of importance.



h e

Council invite applications from members

for the position o f lecturer on taxation

with special reference to death duties. Particulars

o f the course and the salary and conditions o f

appointment may be obtained from the Secretary.

Applications will be received until 21st June, 1954.





e n e r a l

Meeting o f the Society was held in

the Society’s Library on Thursday, 13th May, 1954

the President, Mr. Joseph Barrett, in the Chair. The

following members of the Society signed their