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Southern Medical Journal
A Publication Committed to Interdisciplinary Disease Management: Official Journal of the
Southern Medical Association
Editor: G. Richard Holt, MD, MSE, MPH, MABE, D, Bioethics
Find the latest clinical information relevant to internists, family practitioners, and other
healthcare professionals worldwide.
For over 100 years, has provided the latest clinical information in areas that affect patients'
daily lives
Issues cover a range of topics including obesity, depression, influenza, diabetes,
osteoporosis, and alcoholism
Includes online access to all archived issues
Personal subscriptions are only available through membership in the SMA. For details on SMA
membership, visit
www.SMA.org.Advances in Skin and Wound Care®
International Journal for Prevention and Healing
Editors: Richard “Sal” Salcidio, MD; R. Gary Sibbald, BSc, MD, Med, FRNCP; and Elizabeth A.
Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ETN, FA
This respected journal covers the latest information on skin and wound care.
Issues include clinical information, research, information on the latest skin and wound care
products, and insightful editorial features
Includes online access to all current and archived issues as well as
Advances in Skin &
Wound Care
for the
Visit the journal online at
aswcjournal.com. SOUTHERNMEDICAL JOURNAL Vol.109,No.8,Pages 441–492 www.sma.org/smj Journal of the VOL.109 x NO. 8 x AUGUST 2016 MENTALHEALTHSERIES 441 Special Series onMentalHealth 442 One-VisitBehavioral Intervention forOlder PrimaryCarePatientswithMild toModerate DepressiveSymptoms 448 Commentaryon“One-VisitBehavioral Intervention forOlderPrimaryCarePatients withMild toModerateDepressiveSymptoms’’ 450 ConversionDisorder inanAppalachianCommunity 454 Impact of Nutrition on Neurocognition 456 Commentary on “Impact of Nutrition on Neurocognition” 458 MentalHealth ImpactofHosting DisasterRefugees:Analyses from a RandomSampleSurveyAmongHaitians Living inMiami 465 Homelessness and Emergency Psychiatric Evaluations JoinSMA atPickwickLandingStatePark, August 25, 2016 forTheRed,White andBlue ofPrescribingControlled Substances:Rules,Wisdom andBalance. BIOETHICS&MEDICAL EDUCATION 466 DoesTiming of InternalMedicineResidency InterviewAffectLikelihood ofMatching? 471 FosteringClinicalExcellenceAcross anAcademic HealthSystem MEDICINE&MEDICAL SPECIALTIES 477 PatientPerceptionsofOseltamivir for the Treatmentof Influenza 481 ClinicalFeaturesofRespiratoryViral Infections Among Inpatients at aMajorUSTertiary CareHospital 487 DeterminantsofElevatedAlkalinePhosphatase inPatients InfectedwithHIV PUBLICHEALTH& ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE 492 How IsZikaTransmitted? http://sma.org/southern-medical-journal For the IntegratedMultidisciplinaryApproach to PatientCare Visit http://sma.org/pcs-nmmc formore information. Advances in The International Journal forPreventionandHealing CEM
OpenAccess! Authors have the option to set their articles for free access.See the author guidelines on ourwebsite:www.woundcarejournal.com. CLINICALMANAGEMENT EXTRA Developmentof aNutritionScreeningTool for anOutpatientWoundCenter JudithFulton,PhD;BradEvans,BS;StephannieMiller,MPH;KimberlyN.Blasiole,MSN,RN,CWOCN; NancyBeinlich,MSN,RN,CWON;AnitaMeehan,MSN,RN-BC,ONC,FNGNA; Claire Loose,MA,RD,LD; andRaymond Leone,DO ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS Negative-PressureTherapy toReduce theRiskofWound InfectionFollowing DivertingLoop IleostomyReversal:An InitialStudy RamonCantero,MD,PhD; InesRubio-Perez,MD,PhD;Miguel Leon,MD;MarioAlvarez,MD; BeatrizDiaz,MD;AnaHerrera,MD; JoaquinDiaz-Dominguez,MD,PhD; and JoseAntonioRodriguez-Montes,MD,PhD Tissue-EngineeredSkinSubstituteEnhancesWoundHealing after RadiationTherapy Mohd Fauzi binMhBusra,BSc; ShipluRoyChowdhury,PhD; Fuad bin Ismail,MD; Aminuddin bin Saim,MD; andRuszymahBtHj Idrus,MD,PhD AssessmentofChicken-EggMembrane as aDressing forWoundHealing FernandoGuarderas,MD;Yaowaree Leavell,MD;Trisha Sengupta,BBA;MariyaZhukova,BS; andTimothy L.Megraw,PhD PLUS PaymentStrategies•PracticePoints•Letter to theEditor www.woundcarejournal.com Volume29Number3March 2016 SKIN& WOUND CARE CARE ® Endorsed by LippincottWilliams&WilkinsYearly Subscription
(12 online issues)
ISSN: 0038-4348Yearly Subscription
(12 print issues)
ISSN: 1527-7941Premier Journals