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Education and Board Prep Review
Bratton’s Family Medicine Board Review, 5
Robert A. Baldor, MD
The essential practice text for the ABFM boards.
Find your weak spots and eliminate them with this print and eBook 5
Edition. This proven guide
provides background information on all three AFBM exams and their formats, describes a typical
exam day, and takes the mystery out of the exam process.
Includes 1,800 multiple-choice questions drawn from common clinical situations and
presented in ABFM exam format
Provides detailed explanations for each answer
Includes a pictorial atlas with clinical photographs and lab smears
Includes free, unlimited INTERACTIVE eBook access
1 True positive rate True negative rate Number needed to treat (NNT) to pre- vent one undesirable outcome. NNT is equal to the inverse of the absolute rela- tive risk (ARR). NNT ARR incidence (control group) incidence (treated group) Relative risk reduction (RRR) RRR incidence (control group) incidence (treated group)/Incidence (control group) The level of statistical significance.The value gives the likelihood of achieving the desired results of a studyby chance alone. It is a measure of variance and is deter- mined by the test data. To provide a minimum standard for pri- vacy protection. Privacy notices must be provided at the first delivery of health services. In times of emergency related healthcare it is not necessary to provide notices at the time of the encounter but they are required after the emergency has ended. 1 ARR incidence (control group) incidence (treated group) Chapter 1 General Facts What is the definition of sensitivity? What is the definition of specificity? How is the number needed to treat defined? What is absolute relative risk equal to? How is the proportional decrease in disease incidence in the treated group relative to the incidence in the control group defined? What is the definition of p value? What is the confidence interval? Why have Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines been developed?376 pages
ISBN: 9781451190786224 pages
ISBN: 9781496370891NEW FOR 2017!
Fast Facts for the Family
Medicine Board Review
Frank J. Domino, MD
A new, high-yield review for ABFM certification.
Organized by ABFM sections and follows the exam
format so information is easier for residents and
practitioners to review
Review content is weighted similarly to the exam