APRIL 1985
Land Registry: Copy Folios
The following extract is from the Dáil Debates of 9 May,
1985, and will be of interest to members.
Mr. F. Fahey
asked the Minister for Justice if he accepts
that it is now taking eight to ten weeks to obtain copy
folios from the Land Registry, especially in the case of a
folio with a file map; and if he will indicate the action he
proposes to take to improve the service being provided by
the Land Registry.
Minister for Justice (Mr. Noonan,
Limerick East):
the basis of the most recently available statistics, copy
folios, including copy folios with filed plan attached, are
being issued by the Land Registry within an average of
eight working days, which does not take into account time
taken in transmission through the post both ways.
However, there can be significant differences in the time it
takes to supply a copy document. The main reason is that
in about 50 per cent of cases, provision of a copy of a Land
Registry map entails substantial preliminary work that
includes the reconstruction of an existing map (which
apart from being on an old six inch scale can at times be in
very poor condition). The reconstruction is usually to the
latest 25 inch ordnance survey standard.
The average monthly output of copy documents in the
Land Registry during the first quarter of 1985 was 7,909.
The total arrears of applications on 31 March, 1985 was
1,992. From these statistics it can be seen that there are in
general no significant delays in the Registry in the issue of
copy documents.
Members are reminded that the Society maintains
an Employment Register for Solicitors. Those
seeking employment and those Offices with posts to
be filled are invited to contact The Education
Officer, Mr. Albert Power, The Law Society,
Blackhall Place, Dublin, 7.
Company Seals
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Medico-Legal Society
of Ireland
The following persons were elected as officers and
members of the Council for the year 1985-1986 at the
recent Annual General Meeting of the Medico-Legal
Society of Ireland.
Professor P.D.J. Holland, a past President of
the Royal College of Physicians.
Dr. Sarah Rogers, F.R.C.P.I., Consultant
Dermathologist to Hume Street and St. Vincent's
Immediate Past President:-
Miss Carmel Killeen,
Vice Presidents:-
Mr. Brian Murphy, Solicitor. Mr.
Leslie Kearon, Solicitor.
Hon. Secretary:-
Mr. Eamonn Hall, Solicitor.
Hon. Treasurer:-
Miss Cliona M. O'Tuama, Solicitor.
Hon. Auditor:-
Miss Mary McMurrough Murphy, B.L.
Dr. Robert Towers, Mr. A. Browne, Dr. Liam
Daly, Dr. Declan Gilsenan, Dr. J. Harbison, Dr.
Seamus Ryan, Dr. Anne Clancy.
District Justice Cassidy, Mr. Denis Greene,
Solicitor, Mr. Raymond Downey, Solicitor, Miss
Thelma King, Solicitor, Mr. Brendan Garvan,
Forensic Scientists:
Dr. Sheila Willis.
, Safeguard
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