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§ If you wont the Best in Copyphone Technology.
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The Canon Copyphone from CANTEC could revolutionise
your business communications. It simply plugs into an
ordinary phone line and transmits documents to Cork,
Carlow, Coventry, or California — in seconds.
Think of the advantages: cuts phone bills, more efficient
than telex, many times faster than courier. The ideal way to transmit
texts, designs, graphs, photos, plans, layouts, you name it.
Canon Fax 510 offers maximum compatibility and sophistication.
The Fax 510 is a fast G3 machine that's also compatible with G2 and
G1 (old FM) Units.
Canon Fax 320E is a compact CCITT Group 3 desktop Copyphone, the most advanced
of its kind in the world.
For more about the Canon Copyphone range,
visit CANTEC Business Equipment Centres
Business Equipment Centre, Merrion, Dublin 4.
Tel: 01 - 694988
Abbeycourt House, Georges Quay, Cork
77 O'Connell Street Limerick
Tel: 021 -962188
Tel: 061 -317022
ccintcc the I rish word for Canon
General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation p.I.e.
specialises in providing a service to the legal profession
and others in connection with Court Bonds and Contingency
Indemnities. In these fields knowledge born of long
experience is essential to the provision of a speedy and
expert service.
Enquiries are particularly welcomed in respect of Administration
Bonds, Liquidation Bonds, Indemnities and Contingency Risks.
Branches at:
Dublin, Cork, Limerick.
Offices at:
Cavan, Clonmel, Dundalk,
Galway, Killarney, Nenagh, Sligo,
Tullamore, Waterford and Wexford.
Head Office Republic of Ireland
1 Clanwilliam Court, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.
Telephone: 6 8 2 0 55