1985 Legal Offices Fun Run
Following the unprecedented success of last year's Fun
Run in the Phoenix Park, it has been decided to organise
another Run this year on Sunday, 5th May, 1985 at 3.00
The Run will take place in the Phoenix Park over the
same course as before (starting and finishing at Lorraine
Hockey Club). There will be spot prizes of an alcoholic
nature to mark the occasion.
For those of you who lack that competitive instinct
(and we stress that this is essentially a "FUN RUN") there
will be the satisfaction of knowing that your entry
subscription of IR£4.00 will be donated to Concern's
Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund.
It is anticipated that every participant will try to obtain
sponsorship for this event for Concern. Special sponsor-
ship cards
running vests will be made available on
This is a great opportunity to get in a spot of exercise on
a Sunday afternoon, meet interesting people, and at the
same time contribute to a very worthy cause. Please send
your entry subscriptions to any of the undersigned,
crossed and made payable to "Legal Offices 10K Fun Run
(Kevin Brophy & Co. — Tel. 964104)
(A. & L. Goodbody — Tel. 684588)
(McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley — Tel. 765881)
Patrick MacEntee Cup
Solicitors - 4
Barristers - 2
Revenge is sweet was the thought reflected in the faces
of the victorious members of the Solicitors' Team, which
defeated the Barristers 4-2 in the annual soccer match for
the Patrick MacEntee Cup. The Cup was donated by the
Chairman of the Bar Council in 1983, to be played for
annually by a team selected from the Solicitors, and one
selected from the Barristers. In the inaugural match, held
in 1983, the Barristers were worthy winners by a 6-3
margin, despite a hat trick by Michael Staines. This year,
however, the Solicitors captured the cup in an enter-
taining and exciting match, played just before Christmas
at Blackhall Place.
The pace was very fast from the beginning, and the
Barristers went ahead with a beautifully taken free kick by
the man of the match, Dudley Solan, whose last
appearance in a major contest had been for U.C.D.
against Everton at Goodison Park!
In the second half, the play began to run more in favour
of the Solicitors. This was due in no small part to the
appearance of veteran Bill Jolley, and Michael Kealy
scrambled the ball past the Barristers' goalkeeper, Chris
Meehan. A well taken free kick by Johnny Walsh was
headed home by Solicitors' man of the match, Tom
Donaghy. The Bar seemed to be on the run, until Solan
struck again and beat Eamon Gill from ten yards.
Michael Kealy then scored again for the Solicitors to give
them a 3-2 lead and the match was put beyond doubt by
another fine goal, this time by John O'Brien.
The Cup was presented by Hugh O'Flaherty S.C.,
standing in for Paddy MacEntee S.C., who was engaged
elsewhere. Though magnanimous in defeat, he indicated
that an enquiry would be held by the Bar Council into the
whole affair. Anthony Collins, President of the Incor-
porated Law Society of Ireland, was obviously delighted
to be present at the ceremony.
For the record, the teams lined out as follows:
Solicitors' Team:
Eamon Gill, Michael Staines, Johnny Walsh, Denis
McSweeney, Tom Donaghy, Niall O'Leary
(Captain), Peter Gartland, John Breslin, Michael
Kealy, Ken Murphy, John O'Brien.
Subs: Bill Jolley, Pascal Mullary.
Telephone 01 - 580190, 551369, 551251
Full p r o v i s i on f o r V . A . T .
The Alternative to
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Barristers' Team:
Chris Meehan, Jack Fitzgerald, Bernard Madden,
Joe McGettigan, Geoff Alkinson, John Costigan,
Bill Shipsey (Captain), John Walsh, Des Mulhare,
Dudley Solan, Declan Doyle.
Sub: Killian McMurrough.