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which he might take the option to call the meeting? The

intention was to impose a time-limit of 56days in total, so

time runs, as it were, from the earliest day. The Minister

explained that this was not an inordinate amount of time

to grant.


It may be necessary for a company under its

regulations to give a considerable amount of notice before

the holding of a special meeting. Time was needed to

prepare the presentation of the company's position to the

special meeting.


S.40 will not prove to be a panacea for all problems

relating to companies in difficulties. Viewed indepen-

dently of other provisions, it is unlikely to achieve much

in the way of redressing the difficulties which arise in the

course of corporate management. Presumably, the

intention of the section is that a director will know that he

is committing a serious offence involving a substantial

fine and a term of imprisonment and that he will be

constrained to take the steps required by the Act which he

was not required to take hitherto. The section, however,

does not stipulate that certain consequences could follow

if, having called the meeting and considered "the

problem", nothing was done about the problem. There is

no provision in the section for placing personal responsi-

bility on the directors or on associated or parent

companies for additional debts incurred after the date of

the meeting. The perennial problem of achieving effective

enforcement is particularly acute in this area. There is

doubt as to the proper basis for the valuation of assets and

as regards the type of knowledge necessary to bring the

section into play. It may be that, on its own, section 40 will

raise as many questions as the problems which it is

designed to solve.


1. Directive 7 7 / 9 1 / L LC O.J. 1977, 1.26/1.

2. Sec lor example the Minister's Second Stage speech at 342 Dáil

Debates 347. 356-357 (4 May 1983).

3. Prl. 5598 at para. 10. See, however. Temple Lang (1976) 11 Irish

Jurist (n.s.) 37 at 49-51 who argues that these tears are exaggerated.

4. See generally the interaction of views at 98 Seanad Debates 630-636

(I Julv 1982).

5. See generally 342 Dáil Debates 1441-1449 (17 May 1983).

6. Para. 28 of the First Schedule to the 1983 Act amends the Seventh

Schedule to the Principal Act by inserting a new paragraph after

para. 4. Mr. William Farley points out in (1984) 78 G.I.L.S.I, at p. 21

that the provision is slightly unsatisfactory in the short term as. while

the financial situation might be as stated in s.40(l). it may have

become known to a director prior to the appointed day, in which

case an extraordinary general meeting would not be required by the


7. See Savage "Auditors: a Critical Review of their Role" (1983) 4




8. See generally in this connection Trebilcock " T he Liability of

C o m p a ny Directors for Negligence" (1969) 32 M.L.R. 477.

9. 343 Dáil Debates 1453-1454 (17 Mav 1983).

10. |1979] IR 21.

11. [1971] 2 Q.B. 711.

12. Note Fox " T he Evolving Status of the C o m p a ny Secretary" (1982)

Legal Studies


13. 342 Dáil Debates 1422-1423 and 1445 (17 May 1983).

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