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Professional Remuneration:

Replying to a question, Mr. Laurence Cullen reported

that a fundamental revision of Schedule .Two costs was

now before the National Prices Commission for

approval. It was hoped that this would be forthcoming

in the near future. In addition, in the context of new

Superior Court Rules, Appendix W has been updated.

A guideline on costs, which was intended for the pro-

fession generally, was currently before the Council and

had also been supplied to the Officers of Bar Associ-

ations for their comments. This should be available in 1986.

Law Clerks' JLC:

Mr. G. M. Doyle, a member of the Employers' team

on the Law Clerks' Joint Labour Committee, said there

was need for future directions from the Council as to

the representations which the employers' side should

make in future negotiations. In his view, the Council

would have to consider the question of pressing for the

abolition of the JLC. Mr. Crivon pointed out that the

body in question was a statutory one. In his view, there

was a need to keep it in being as otherwise larger wage

increases would be forced on the profession. Mr. P.

O'Connor agreed.

1986 AGM: Date and Time:

When the question of a suitable date and time for the

next AGM was being discussed, it was pointed out that

the 5.30 p.m. meeting attendance was 57. Several mem-

bers favoured the continuance of the late afternoon

meeting as an experiment for a further year or two. The

matter was left to the discretion of the Council.


The report of the Scrutineers on the election of the

Council for 1985/1986, having been circulated before

the Meeting, was taken as read and adopted. (The elect-

ion results were published in the November 1985 Gazette).

Bond Scheme Draw:

Ms Carmel Killeen announced the results of the draw

as follows:-

4 x £1,000

Bond No. 2235 ( J a m es M u r p h y)

Bond No. 1649

Bond No. 1247 (Lionel Booth)

Bond No. 2070 (Joseph Grace)

7 x £500

Bond No. 1943 (Brian J. Claffey

and Patrick J. Daly)

Bond No. 1498 (Arthur J. O'Leary)

Bond No. 2103 (Ian R. Farrell)

Bond No. 1590 (Michael J. Cody)

6 x £250

Bond No. 2125 ( A d r an J. R o c h f o r d) Bond No. 1080 John K. Coakley)

Bond No. 1346

Bond No. 1348 (Michael O ' H a n r a h a n)

Bond No. 1711 (Robert Cussen)

Bond No. 1476 (Alphonsus &

Brian Grogan)

4 x £100

Bond No. 1658 (Andrew F. Smyth)

Bond No. 1470 (John M. O'Donnell)

Bond No. 1261 (Michael Browne)

Bond No. 1270 (James Binchy)

Solicitors' Benevolent Association:

In the absence of Mr. Eunan McCarron, who was ill,

Mr. Leslie Kieran, Vice-Chairman of the Association,

thanked the President for his efforts in stressing at Bar

Association Meetings the need for an increased income

for the Associations. As it was, members of the profes-

sion made a significant contribution to the running of

the Society through the annual voluntary subscription.

In the current year, 48 cases were dealt with at the

monthly meetings at a cost of over £7,000 per meeting.

There were many cases of extreme hardship which

required support and, in addition, grants had to be

made for children's education. In the past, it was older

members who required support, the pattern now

appeared to be emerging that many young people in

practice or their dependants found themselves in most

difficult situations. He urged that every solicitor in

practice make the annual contribution. In everyday

practice in the preparation of wills, solicitors had an

opportunity to provide for the payment of a legacy or a

share of a residue to the Benevolent Association.

Mr. Kieran thanked the chairman of the Finance

Committee, Mr. Tom Shaw, the Director General and

the Financial Director, Mr. P. J. Connolly, for their

co-operation and help.

Concluding Business:

The President said that the AGM brought him almost

to the end of his year of office. It was a year that had

been fascinating, interesting and enjoyable.

In the conduct of the Presidency he had to acknow-

ledge that he had valuable support and co-operation

from the Chairman of Committees, The Council, the

Director General and the staff at Blackhall Place. He

wished to have his appreciation of that help recorded in

the Minutes of the Meeting.

Mr. Anthony Osborne congratulated the President

and expressed appreciation of the work he had done

during his year of office. Members involved in the

Society were well aware of the dedication and commit-

ment of the President. This comment was necessary, he

believed, because the general body of members might

not always appreciate the commitment. The manner in

which the President represented the Society abroad, his

involvement on behalf of the Society with other organ-

isations in the State and his meetings with the Bar Asso-

ciations all redounded to the credit of Mr. Anthony

Collins as President. In thanking the President for his

year's work, he also wished to compliment his wife,

Mrs. Mary Collins, for the support which she gave to


Mr. Gerard Doyle said it was more than a pleasure for

him to second the vote of thanks to Anthony Collins as

President because he - like Mr. Osborne - had served on

the Council with Mr. Collins's late father and appreci-

ated very much all that father and son had given to the

Society and the profession.

The vote of thanks was carried with acclamation.

The President declared the meeting closed.



The Council of the Society has decided that the

1986 AGM will be held in Blackhall Place, Dublin 7


Thursday, 13th November, 1986.

It decided to continue the experiment of holding

the meeting at 6.30 p.m. to facilitate the attend-

ance of members.

Please note the date in your diary now.

Bond No. 1269 (Arthur Moran)

Bond No. 1374 ( J o hn B. Baily)

Bond No. 1901 (Rory O'Donnell)