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woman bring a child into the world by the process of normal reproduction.

In a spiritual sense, begotten is procreation without the male’s participation,

thus, a child by Divine conception is not begotten in a physical sense. Jesus

was not begotten; He always was a causation of Divine origin. Jesus raised a

mere man [who is begotten] from the dead; a son and brother, according to

Jesus assertions, is sent into the world to honor the Father, and is spiritually

empowered to defeat Satan as second time. Jesus, as the Father, anointed

this son or brother [essence a

me r e man

; only begotten son; chosen from

among men]

to follow in the world on the same mission and with a similar



Jesus raised the first-born out of many from the spiritually dead;

born of the Virgin, mere man is prepared by the Father to judge humanity

and to judge evil in the world. Christ, therefore, comes in the name of the

LORD honoring Jesus, as Jesus said he would.

Hatred follows as a result of his calling and association with Jesus. The

faithful must know why the association is so closely tied, and not participate

on evil’s behalf! Satan didn’t know then, but is certainly aware today!

Christ [anointed one] comes in the name of the LORD, and in a similar

fashion, but born of man. Announced prior, and applicable now, the

Second Coming of Christ, Jesus’ anointed one, is on a mission with a similar

and specific purpose. The Second Coming of Jesus will be at the end of all

time, also known as the end of the

“ha l f a t ime , ”

when evil is placed at his

footstool, as revealed in the book of Revelation

. (Revelations 22; 12-13)

When asked, Jesus will destroy Satan, and that evil cohort will be thrown

into the lake of burning sulfur. Jesus will do what mere man [mankind] asks,

and perfect justice will be fulfilled. Satan or evil will be no more.

“Behold, I am coming soon!

My reward is with me,


I will give to everyone according to what he has done.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,

the Beginning and the End.

(Revelation 22: 13)

Perfect justice could not be perfectly fulfilled any other way. Mere man, [the