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head healed and the church moved forward. This occurred just as the book

of Revelations foretold: “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had

a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was

astonished and followed the beast.”

(Revelations 13:3)

In other words, those

spiritually inspired to assist in righting the wrong, struck at the head of the

beast to kill it. However, the wrongs were not righted and the beast

survived, and the world, while astonished, followed different segments of

the church. Therefore, Christianity became a house divided with many more

divisions over the years, and continues to erode for a positive conclusion.

A solution is at hand which is relative to this issue. This confirms more

specifically Daniel’s prophecy, of which Jesus made reference:

“So when

y ou s e e s t and i ng i n t he ho l y p l a c e ‘ t he abomi na t i on t ha t c aus e s

de s o l a t i on , ’ spoken o f t hr ough t he pr ophe t Dan i e l—l e t t he r eade r

unde r s t and . ”

(Matthew 24: 15-16)

Understand the meaning and contemplate

the seriousness of these words. Consider also this prophecy from Daniel, it

says; “In the time of those kings, the

God o f heav en wi l l s e t up a ki ngdom

that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will

crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure

forever. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain,

but not by human hands

a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay,

the silver and the gold to pieces. ‘The great God has shown the king what

will take place in the future. The dream is true and the interpretation is


(Daniel 2: 44-45)

Can you say with confidence that humanity, under the pretense of being

Christian, is in fact the kingdom that God has set up? So, the state of

Christianity in general is suspect in the present condition, but will revert

back to what Jesus intended from the beginning—the way is now clear.

What remains to be seen are those who respond to the Father’s call, for

they will be delivered and justified, knowing the deep things of God and the

Holy Spirit.

This is the kingdom that our Father has set up for today, and, as such, the

world is changed one person at a time. Christianity in the truest sense of the

word will not be a house divided. Christianity is intended to be one spiritual

body with many parts; the individual parts [persons] work in concert as a


Jesus set up a kingdom and identified specifically where the kingdom exists