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and all mass is caused from the molecular activity of the atom and the sub

particles therein. So, isn’t energy the means, by which, creation causes and

sustains life? [Light is a means by which energy travels, assisting in the

processes of creation]. For without light and the energy that light transports,

life couldn’t exist.

How, we might travel from one world to the other remains a question;

transporting the physical remains a mystery. We know of the eternal world

or at least believe, but we also know that a physical body cannot yet travel

to the other world. So, how to get there may be another dilemma to be

solved. Perhaps Jesus’ Resurrection is a clue to this discovery. Consider the

plausibility of Jesus’ soul departing His flesh only to return after the

crucifixion! Returning, the large stone in front of the tomb, had to be

removed, but how? Consider the plausibility of Jesus’ soul departing he

flesh only to return after the burial! Returning the large stone in front of the

tomb had to be removed, but how? Think about this: Jesus’ spirit or soul

traveling at the speed of light entered the stone tomb perhaps through the

smallest space, with tremendous energy, the large stone instantly moved. In

the same manner, with the same intensity of energy the soul re-entering

Jesus’ flesh lifted the burial shroud, and infused a precise image without

damaging the cloth.

To transcend time and space, the soul, a pure energy source, according to

the Divine design travels at twice the speed of light. The speed of light, as

man understands and expresses it, depends upon a measurement that

equates time and distance in space. Actually, it may show the relevance of a

soul as perfect [eternity] and time as imperfect. In view of the fact that we

exist in time knowing another world exists, such as eternity, what is the

relevancy of a soul going from one to the other? We can’t see a soul depart

a body at the time of death. This is the reality [in part] of Einstein's God-

given gift as a method to explain a Divine mystery.

What is the relativity [relationship] between God and man according to the

Divine Will? This relativity is specifically individual to the Son of God! Born

into this imperfect world, but perfect departing from this world and

returning again at the speed of light. In a most Divine way, Jesus was

relevant to God the Father. For reasons already explored and explained,

there is relevance between the Son of God and the son of man for a Divine

reason! This relevancy is that one man is like the other only in purpose, and

according to the Divine Will, will crush the head of Satan. Willingly aligned

to the Divine Will, the lesser serves the greater. Jesus’ words expound on