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“I and


Father are one”

(John 10:30) KJV

Many are cal led—few are chosen


Understanding, comprehension or cognitive reasoning will be affected after

having read and reflected on this book, because the message is one of peace

and love, so as to cause individual lives to change in a more orderly manner.

Each individual should find inner peace, for peace is the atmosphere in which

God exists. Every person must deal with the inner spiritual quality, and be

keenly aware of fear; there is no fear in love, for perfect love drives out fear!

Also, reconcile that you cannot serve two masters; there is no third option


Conclusions bring solutions that must be reached by each individual before

deliverance from evil is experienced. No, we are not evil, but we are subject to

its prompting when we have an imperfect understanding. So, spiritual renewal

may become a reality; spiritual growth brings change to the individual, and this

world is changed one soul at a time.

Unless you feel that the conditions of this country and this world are in order

the way God desires, change is essential. According to the ancient texts,

change is imminent, and those who choose wisely will understand prior to the

final destruction. Afterwards, the choice made will be proven genuine when

you too choose Jesus. Therefore, change will become a very positive

experience with deliverance as the result.

These prophecies and the lessons of the past affect the present, because they

are intended to be revealed. They should now be obvious; they are essential

precisely as the Ark of Noah was essential, but only afterwards were those

affects fully realized. Most of humanity could have entered the Ark, but only

eight people accepted the notion or the solution.

In Genesis God said, “now you have become like one of us,” addressing

Adam and Eve—but all of humanity as well! We have the potential and the