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What was the energy when
everybody got back together and
were training and learning all the
choreography together?
It was like a reunion. I don’t think
anybody knew what it really was on the
first one, but on this one, everybody
was like, ‘I’m bringing it this time. Let’s
go.’ Adam Rodriguez learned how
to break dance. It was just a wholly
different experience. Everybody worked
out even harder than they did on the first
one, and took it all a little more seriously,
knowing that people were actually going
to see this movie. [Laughs]
Magic Mike
was like a
feathered fish—a lowbrow subject with
a highbrow director.
We showed
Magic Mike XXL
the actors for the first time recently, and
for me, instead of watching the movie
and thinking, ‘Well, we should change
this and change that,’ I was watching it
like it was like a high school yearbook on
video or something. I was just enjoying
all the memories. That was a great
thing. In retrospect, I think it was the
reason to make the movie.
When we actually set out to do it,
both things lined up, which was nice.
We got to get this group of people
together and have fun. And I don’t even
know where other stories could possibly
go. The cool thing was that, to us, the
story was really a way to bring these
creative people together and showcase
their strengths to the world and all that
fun stuff.
Can you talk about the tone you
wanted to bring to this film, and
where you wanted the story to go?
The first film had a darker thread,
a tinge of seeing into the underbelly of
a weird little subculture. On some level,
it’s entertaining to get a window into
that—there’s a lot of fun, a bit of danger,
and, obviously, some very, very adrift
people. I don’t want to say lost because
they all have very specific things that
they want. They’re all hustlers. They’ve
all got things they’re doing on the side.
But this has pretty much been the only
constant in their life.
I think, Steven [Soderbergh] especially
had a point of view on that. It was kind
of skewed that they were the outliers
and might not be the people you’d want
to be bringing home to mom. There’s an
edge to them.
I think this movie just gets into them
as people so that you understand who
they are. And, yeah, they’re all a little
DashaunWesleyWilliams, Matt Bomer, Kevin Nash, Joe Manganiello, ChanningTatum & Adam Rodriguez