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DECEMBER, 1909] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

1843, and Section 6 of the Attornies and

Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1849, provide, that

payment shall not preclude a Court or Judge

from referring a bill to taxation, if, in the

opinion of the Court or Judge, the special

circumstances of the case appear to require

same, provided

the application for such

reference be made within twelve calendar


after payment.

The Company

alleged various grounds which, in their view,

constituted " special circumstances."


chief of these was that in the bills as delivered

large sums were included as disbursements.

For instance, one bill as delivered amounted

to £631 3s., of which £469 consisted of dis



Counsel's fees and printers'


It was admitted that a larger part of

these disbursemeats had not in fact, been paid

before delivery of the bill, though they were

paid long before the application for taxation.

The applicants relied upon the case of

Sadd v.



The Times,

L. R., 715 ;


2 K.B., 510), in which it was held by the

Court of Appeal (England) that " disburse

ments " meant

actual payments before

delivery of the bill, and that any sum claimed

as disbursements which had not been so paid

must be disallowed.

It appeared in con

sequence of that decision a new rule, Order

65, Rule 27 (29a) (England), had been framed,

which provides that no disbursements shall be

allowed which have not been made before

delivery of the bill, unless the bill shall

expressly state that they have not then been

made, in which case they may be allowed if

actually made before the commencement of

the proceedings in which the taxation takes


It appeared


the bills were

delivered on October 12, 1907, and that of

the disbursements in question, a printer's

bill was paid on October 28, 1907, and the

fees to Counsel on June 1, 1908. The bills

themselves were not paid on delivery, but

were satisfied by promissory notes and

cheques, some of which were at first dis

honoured. Ultimately, a moiety of the bills

was paid on May 21, 1908, and the balance on

June 23, 1908. The present summons to tax

was not taken out until December 16, 1908.

Mr. Justice Joyce held that there was no

special circumstances in this case, and refused

the application with costs.

» Reported

Times Law Reports,

Vol. xxvi.,

page 68.

Sessional Bar Association.



A MEETING was held at Roscrea on 15th

November, 1909, to consider the formation

of the above Association and to draft rules

for same. The following members of the

profession were present :—Messrs.

J. H.

Dudley, James O'Brien, H. Shannon, P.

Macgrath, of Nenagh ;

Win. Bridge, Charles

J. Spain, William Dwyer, E. P. Bridge, of

Roscrea ; Messrs. A. H. Morgan, J. J. Ryan,

J. P Carrigan, L. J. Ryan, of Thurles ;

Thomas Mitchell, R. F. Barry. J. F. Power,

of Birr.

Mr. William Bridge presided.

Mr. Henry Shannon acted as Hon. Sec.

to the meeting.

The Hon. Sec. read a requisition convening

the meeting, to which was attached the

signatures of 23 of the members of the

profession practising in the County Tipperary,

N.R., and King's Co., Birr Division.

Letters were





regretting unavoidable absence, but promising

support :—Messrs. G. F. Corbett, Coughlan

and Casey, James J. Kearns, J. J. Kennedy

and M. J. O'Meara. Similar telegrams were

received during the course of the meeting

from Messrs. Michael Gleeson, C.S., Nenagh ;

A. C. Houlihan, Roscrea. The Hon. Sec.

stated that Messrs. A. Christie and P. V.

Loughrey had conveyed to him in a personal


their intention

to support



It was unanimously decided to form the

above Association. Rules were submitted

and adopted, together with a schedule of



to be charged by


members of the Association having their

chief country office in Co. Tipperary, N.R.,

and King's County, for all work transacted

by them in or out of said counties ;

and as

regards members having their chief country

office out of said counties, said minimum fees

to be charged for all work transacted by

them for clients resident in said counties, or

for work done in connection with land and

other property situate therein. The Rules

and fees

to come

into force on the 1st

January, 1910.^ Deputations were appointed

to wait upon members of the profession

practising in Tipperary, S.R.,^Queen's, King's