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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[JANUARY, 1910

bound under Section 16 was submitted and

adopted, and the application was granted.

Education of Apprentices.

In reference to this important subject,

which is under the attention of a Special

Committee of

the Council, a question was

submitted by the Committee to the Council

as to whether the Intermediate and Final

Examinations under the provisions of the


(Ireland) Act, 1898,



divided into parts, with a period of months

elapsing between the parts, and it was deckled

to take the opinion of Counsel thereon.

December 8th.

Election of President and Yice-Presidents.

The Council

elected Mr. Richard A.

Macnamara to the office of President of the

Society, and Mr. William V. Seddall and Mr.

A. Lloyd-Blood to the office of Vice-Presidents

of the Society for the year ending 26th

November, 1910. Mr. Macnamara having

taken the chair, a cordial vote of thanks was

passed to the out-going President and Vice-

Presidents for the manner in which they had

discharged the duties of

their respective

offices during the past year.


It was resolved that the December number

of the Society's Gazette, containing the report

of the proceedings of the General Meeting,

should be sent to the whole profession, and

that a circular should be sent to those who

are not members of the Society, inviting them

to become members.

Fees to Counsel in Appeals to House of


A letter was read from a member of the

profession, giving particulars of taxation of

his costs by the Taxing Officer of the House of

Lords on an appeal from Ireland, in which

the officer had disallowed a considerable

portion of the fees paid to both Senior and

Junior Irish Counsel on their briefs.

It was

decided to ask the Bar Council to confer

with representatives of the Council of the

Society on the question of fees to Counsel in

Irish appeals to the House of Lords.

Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1909.

A letter was read-from some Solicitors

practising in County Westmeath and


King's County upon the question as to the

persons to whom the term " occupier," under

the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1909, is appli

cable. There being at present



pondence taking place between the. Local

Government Board and the outgoing Presi

dent of the Society upon this question, it

was decided

to await the result of such

correspondence before taking furth'er action.


An application by a Solicitor, under Section


to renew his annual certificate, was

submitted and granted.

Apprentices' Debating Society

Draft rules, prepared by the Court of

Examiners, for a new Solicitors' Apprentices'

Debating Society, were



approved of.

It was resolved that a general

meeting of apprentices, at which the President

would preside, should be

summoned for

Monday evening, 17th January, at eight

o'clock, p.m., in the Hall of the Society at the

Four Courts.

December 15th.

National University.

The following resolution was adopted in

reference to the vacancy in

the office of

Professor of Law of Property and Contracts,

and a copy directed to be sent to the Uni

versity Commission :—

Resolved :

" The Council of the Incor-

" porated Law Society of Ireland respectfully

" request the University Commission when

" making an appointment to the office of

" Professor of the Law of Property and

" Contracts in the National University of

" Ireland, to give favourable consideration

" to


from members of


" Solicitors' profession seeking the office."


In reply to a letter of enquiry from an

apprentice, asking if there be any objection

to an apprentice to a Solicitor acting as an

executor, it was decided to state that the