Chemical Technology • November 2015
applications. Through two separate operations, Protea
Electronics and Protea Automation Solutions, the company
provides far-ranging technologies for a wide range of indus-
tries and applications.
Group CEO, Gary Johnston, explains that technology
drives almost every aspect of the economy today and every
business and individual in the country benefits through
Protea Technology systems in hundreds of ways. “Our
automation systems, for example, provide chemical indus-
tries and manufacturers with a means of mechanising and
automating systems to both keep up with demands, and to
produce consistent quality products.”
Technology for the people
“Beyond the chemical industry, we also supply advanced
systems to other engineering intensive industries such
as broadcasting and wireless telecommunications. This
technology is pivotal to clear communications and actually
enables television and radio broadcasts to be sent and
received throughout the country.
“Similarly, our advanced mobile telecommunications
equipment is used by all the major cellular telecommuni-
cations companies and ensures reliable coverage of the
country. Our optimisation and test equipment also ensures
that signal coverage can be measured and that the correct
frequencies are being used,” Gary says.
For more information
contact Protea Automation Solutions,
Jerry Smits, on tel: +27 11 719 5700; fax: +27 11 440
9312; email:,or go to
Protea Automation Solutions staff outside the company’s Linbro Park head office.
Sean Symons, Technical repair and support, Protea Automation Solutions.
Environmental concerns
Due to increasing pressure on the environment and the need to protect it Protea Automation
Solutions has sourced a wide range of analytical systems for process analysis. Systems
include portable, in-situ and extractive systems to analyse anything from nitrification and
turbidity, to toxic gases, flue gas temperature and velocity, among others.