Chemical Technology • October 2015
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REGULAR FEATURES 3 Comment by Fred M Hayward, Senior Higher Education Advisor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA 32 IchemE SAIChE news 36 Sudoku No 109 and solution to No 108 / Et cetera COVER STORY 4 Optimising chemical plant efficiency: Technologically advanced instruments can hold the key to boosting productivity Chemical plants seeking improvements in productivity and efficiency mostly find that the fastest and most cost-effective manner to reach their goal is through the installation and modernisation of process automation systems and advanced field instruments. NANOTECHNOLOGY 6 Blurring the lines between nanotech and biochemistry Korean Scientists at the Center for Nanoparticle Research, IBS have come up with a ‘fabric’ made of ~150 nm dia silver nanow- ires in an interlocking coil, and embedded in elastic material. This conductive fabric can be linked to a small battery and provides direct heating over and around the joint. Because it is light-weight, wearable, and breathable, it can be worn while running around. by Gavin Chait 9 Focus on nanotechnology PETROCHEMICALS 10 Optimising quill and injector performance in refinery operations There are dozens of operations in refineries where quills and injectors are used. Before we discuss usage and performance optimisation, let’s clarify the difference between a quill and an injector. The terms are often used interchangeably even though the devices are quite different. by Dan Vidusek and Chuck Munro, both of Spraying Systems Co, Wheaton, Illinois, USA 17 Focus on petrochemicals CONTROL AND AUTOMATION 20 Rethinking automation The automated factory environment was envisioned and built decades ago to meet the needs of manufacturers producing high volumes of mass-produced products. Today, unprecedented change is taking place. Information from Rethink Robotics, Inc, 27 Wormwood Street, Boston, MA, USA 23 Focus on control and automation MINERALS PROCESSING AND METALLURGY 26 What challenges are faced when performing EPCM and EPC projects in Africa? Africa is a relatively untouched continent when it comes to mineral resources. Many large mining houses are showing a bigger interest in Africa than before and South African project companies are also showing a greater interest in African projects. by Trevor Arlington – Project Manager at Fluor South Africa (Pty) Limited 31 Focus on minerals processing and metallurgy